COM 150 Entire Course

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COM 150 Entire Course
COM 150 Entire Course
Year: 2016
  • Description


Course Design Guide

College of Humanities

COM/150 Version 6

Effective Essay Writing




Week One: Expository Writing
Objectives1.1  Differentiate between fact and opinion.

1.2  Determine strategies for selecting and narrowing an appropriate essay topic.

Course PreparationRead the course description and objectives.

Read the instructor’s biography and post your own.

ReadingRead the Associate Program Material: Final Project Overview and Timeline regarding the final project requirements.  
ReadingRead the Associate Program Material: Steps in the Writing Process.  
ReadingRead the Associate Program Material: Characteristics of the Expository Essay.  
ParticipationParticipate in class discussion.Days


Discussion QuestionsRespond to weekly discussion questions.Days 2 & 410
Nongraded Activities and Preparation

Expository Essay Topic

Resource: MyWritingLab

Review the following multimedia on the student website:


·         Lesson 1 inEnglish Composition I: Overview” on the student website.

·         Office Hours: Narrowing a Topic” on the student website.


Expository Essay Topic

Before you begin the writing process, you must select a topic that is interesting to you and to your readers. Inexperienced writers sometimes make the mistake of attempting to write about a topic that is too broad. Start by doing some preliminary reading about your topic and then determine how you want to approach the subject. Ask yourself the following questions: Which aspect of this topic is most interesting to me? What do I want to know more about? Chances are your readers feel the same way.


For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:


·         Option 1: Narrowed Topic. Complete the Associate Program Material: Narrowing a Topic to narrow your essay topic.

·         Option 2: Narrowing Strategies. Explain how you used the narrowing strategies in this week’s readings to select your topic.


Address the following in 75 to 100 words:


Fact refers to information verifiable through evidence. Opinion refers to an impression open to dispute. How might you differentiate between fact and opinion as you develop your narrowed topic?


Post your topic selection along with either the completed worksheet (Option 1) or your explanation (Option 2).

Day 310



Week Two: The Writing Process

2.1  Use grammar, mechanics, spelling, and punctuation appropriately.

2.2  Identify the steps in the writing process.

2.3  Recognize characteristics of expository essays.


Grammar Exercise 1

Resource: Center for Writing Excellence (CWE)

Log on to your student website.

Review and navigate through the CWE website:


·         Click the Library tab at the top of the web page.

·         Click the Center for Writing Excellence.

·         Navigate to the left side of the screen, on which Writing Resources is located.

·         Click Tutorials and Guides.

·         Click Grammar and Writing Guides under Grammar Tutorials.

·         Click Grammar Mechanics under Grammar and Writing Guides.


Complete the following skill-and-drill quizzes from the category. Ensure that you review the definition and rules for each topic:


·         Subject-Verb Agreement

·         Verbs

·         Irregular Verbs (no quiz)

·         Be vs. Have


Submit a screen shot of your results page:


·         Press Alt + Print Screen on your computer keyboard to create a screenshot.

·         Open a blank Microsoft® Word document.

·         Press Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the screenshot into the document.

·         On the subject line, provide the exercise you are posting, for example, Subject-Verb Agreement.

Day 320

The Writing Process

For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:


·         Option 1: Strategies for Becoming an Effective Academic Writer

·         Option 2: Instructional Manual or Brochure


Read the instructions in the Associate Program Material: The Writing Process located on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment.

Day 430

Analyzing Written Essays

Read two of the following essays located on the student website:


·         “A Soul as Free as the Air: About Lucy Stone”

·         “Farthest, Faintest Solar System Objects Found Beyond Neptune”

·          “How to Succeed as an Online Student”


Address the following points about the two essays you read. Remember to explain your answers with specific examples from the essays.


·         What are the four types of essay organization discussed in the course readings? What characteristics make these essays expository?

·         What distinguishes space organization from time organization or informative-process organization in an essay?

·         How does the organization of each essay help the reader understand the subject matter of that essay?

·         Of the essays you read, which one has the most effective organization? Why is that organization the most effective?

·         Suggest a different type of organizational style for one of the articles and explain how the main point of each would change as a result.

·         Which type of essay organization is suitable for your essay topic? Why is it suitable?

Day 750



Week Three: Conducting Research

3.1  Conduct basic Internet research.

3.2  Determine the credibility of online information.

ReadingRead the Associate Program Material: Brainstorming Techniques.  
ReadingRead the Associate Program Material: Source Credibility.  
ReadingRead the Associate Program Material: Avoiding Plagiarism.  
ParticipationParticipate in class discussion.Days


Discussion QuestionsRespond to weekly discussion questions.Days 2 & 410
Nongraded Activities and Preparation

Evaluating Sources

Resource: MyWritingLab

Review “Writing in Action: Decoding Web Sites” on the student website.


Evaluating Sources

The Internet contains information on every imaginable topic. Some websites, however, contain information that is not reliable. Other sites may be reliable but contain information that is not appropriate for college-level research. Before you use a source for college papers, perform an evaluation regarding the site’s purpose, affiliations, author’s credentials, and so on.


Resources: Associate Program Material: Source Credibility

Locate a website that contains information about your final essay that you might be able to use for your expository essay.

Evaluate the website by answering the questions in the Associate Program Material: Web Source Evaluation.

Day 530



Week Four: Planning Strategies

4.1  Determine topics and subtopics to support the main ideas for an expository essay.

4.2  Apply style guidelines for documenting sources.


Grammar Exercise 2

Resource: Center for Writing Excellence (CWE)

Log on to your student website.

Review and navigate through the CWE website:


·         Click the Library tab at the top of the web page.

·         Click the Center for Writing Excellence.

·         Navigate to the left side of the screen, on which Writing Resources is located.

·         Click Tutorials and Guides.

·         Click Grammar and Writing Guides under Grammar Tutorials.

·         Click Grammar Mechanics under Grammar and Writing Guides.


Complete the following skill-and-drill quizzes from the Grammar Mechanics category. Ensure that you review the definition and rules for each topic:


·         Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

·         Who vs. Whom

·         Vague Pronouns


Submit a screen shot of your results page:


·         Press Alt + Print Screen on your computer keyboard to create a screenshot.

·         Open a blank Microsoft® Word document.

·         Press Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the screenshot into the document.

·         On the subject line, provide the exercise you are posting, for example, Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement.

Day 320


For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:


·         Option 1: Map. Use the circular or linear map template in the Associate Program Material: Brainstorming Templates to generate ideas for your expository essay topic. Then, address the following questions: What questions did you ask yourself about your chosen topic during your prewriting process? How does mind-mapping prepare you for outlining?


·         Option 2: Prewriting Methods. Select two prewriting methods—such as listing, brainstorming, or freewriting—and then explain, in 200 or fewer words, which you prefer and why.

Day 430

Documenting Sources

Review APA Citation and Reference Examples at the Associate Program CWE.


Log on to your student website.


Review and navigate through the CWE website:


·         Click the Library tab at the top of your page.

·         Click Center for Writing Excellence.

·         Navigate to the left side of the screen, on which Writing Resources is located.

·         Click Tutorials and Guides.

·         Click the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook under Writing and Style Guidelines.


Review Ch. 2 of the Writing Style Handbook regarding formatting references.


Identify the topic and three subtopics for your expository essay.


Provide three credible sources from the Internet for your expository essay and create a reference list of the sources, formatted consistent with Associate Program style guidelines.


Address the following question: Which subpoint or subpoints from your prewriting method do these sources support? Explain your answer.

Day 750



Week Five: Developing Strategies

5.1  Identify topic sentences and types of paragraph development.

5.2  Determine appropriate types of supporting paragraphs for a topic.

5.3  Create a thesis statement for an expository essay.

ReadingRead the Associate Program Material: Thesis Statements.  
ReadingRead the Associate Program Material: Outlining Strategies.  
ReadingRead the Associate Program Material: Topic Sentences and Supporting Paragraphs.  
ParticipationParticipate in class discussion.Days


Discussion QuestionsRespond to weekly discussion questions.Day 2 & 410
Nongraded Activities and Preparation

Thesis Statement


Resource: MyWritingLab

Review the following multimedia on the student website:


·         Thesis Statement: Writing a Thesis Statement” on the student website.

·         “Thesis Statement: Support for Your Thesis Statement” on the student website.

Nongraded Activities and Preparation

Topic Sentences and Paragraphs

Resource: MyWritingLab

Review “Developing and Organizing a Paragraph: Organizing a Paragraph” on the student website.


Thesis Statement

You must create a thesis statement for every academic paper you write. Often appearing at the end of the introduction, the thesis statement informs readers in a concise manner of your intention in writing the paper. The thesis consists of one declarative sentence that summarizes the main idea of your essay in 25 words or fewer.


Use the following Thesis Equation in the Associate Program Material: Thesis Statements to develop a thesis statement for your expository essay:


Limited Topic + Controlling Idea, Point, Attitude, or Slant = Thesis


Address the following in 150 to 200 words:


Once your thesis statement is approved by your instructor, you will begin conducting research to support your thesis. What types of supporting paragraphs might be appropriate for your expository essay? Explain your reasoning.


Post your completed thesis statement for your instructor’s approval and feedback.

Day 2



Topic Sentences and Paragraphs

Resources: Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) and MyWritingLab

Log on to your student website.

Review and navigate through the CWE website at


·         Click the Library tab at the top of the web page.

·         Click the Center for Writing Excellence.

·         Click Grammar and Writing Guides on the left menu.

·         Click Writing Wizards.

·         Select Writing a Five Paragraph Essay.


Review Writing a Five Paragraph Essay:


·         The Opening Paragraph

·         The Content Paragraphs

·         The Conclusion


Review and navigate through the CWE website at


·         Click the Library tab at the top of the web page.

·         Click the Center for Writing Excellence.

·         Navigate to the left side of the screen, on which Writing Resources is located.

·         Click Tutorials and Guides.

·         Click the Grammar and Writing Guides under Grammar Tutorials.

·         Click Writing Style under the Grammar and Writing Guides.


Complete the following skill-and-drill quiz from the Writing Style category. Ensure that you review the definition and rules for each topic:


·         Topic Sentences


Submit a screen shot of your results page:


·         Press Alt + Print Screen on your computer keyboard to create a screenshot.

·         Open a blank Microsoft® Word document.

·         Press Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the screenshot into the document.

·         On the subject line, provide the exercise you are posting, for example, Topic Sentences.

Day 520



Week Six: Organizing the Expository Essay

6.1  Construct a topic outline for the expository essay.

6.2  Determine appropriate methods for citing source material.

6.3  Generate body paragraphs for an expository essay.

Nongraded Activities and Preparation

Topic Outline and Working References List

Resource: MyWritingLab

Review “Writing in Action: Revising for Parallelism” on the student website.

Nongraded Activities and Preparation

Body Paragraphs

Read the following from the Center for Writing Excellence:


·         “Types of Plagiarism”

·         “Understanding Paraphrase”

·         “Understanding Plagiarism and Common Knowledge”

·         “Using Direct Quotations”

·         “Reasons not to Plagiarize”


Topic Outline and Working References List

Before you write your expository essay, you must organize your ideas. One way to organize content is by creating a formal outline. Normally, an outline organizes only the body of your paper. Although your thesis statement appears in your introduction when you write the expository essay, you must include your thesis statement at the top of your outline. That way, it is easier for you and for your instructor to check for alignment between the thesis and supporting ideas.

Review the following resources in the CWE:


·         APA Reference and Citation Examples—under the APA Information in the Tutorials and Guides section

·         Reference and Citation Generator—under the APA Information in the Tutorials and Guides section

·         Sample Outline—under the Grammar and Writing Guides: Writing & Style Information section


Use the Associate Program Material: Topic Outline and Thesis Statement Guide to create a topic outline for your expository essay.


Use the Associate Program Material: Reference Samples in APA Format as a guide to help you create a working references list formatted consistent with Associate Program style guidelines.

Day 330


Resource: Center for Writing Excellence (CWE)

Log on to your student website.

Review and navigate through the CWE website:


·         Click the Library tab at the top of the web page.

·         Click the Center for Writing Excellence.

·         Navigate to the left side of the screen, on which Writing Resources is located.

·         Click Tutorials and Guides.

·         Click Grammar and Writing Guides under Grammar Tutorials.

·         Click Plagiarism under Grammar and Writing Guides.


Complete the following skill-and-drill quizzes from the Plagiarism category. Ensure that you review the definition and rules:


·         Avoiding Plagiarism


Submit a screen shot of your results page:


·         Press Alt + Print Screen on your computer keyboard to create a screenshot.

·         Open a blank Microsoft® Word document.

·         Press Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the screenshot into the document.

·         On the subject line, provide the exercise you are posting, for example, Avoiding Plagiarism Mastery Test.

Day 520

Body Paragraphs

At this point, you are ready to construct only the body of your expository essay. This first draft of your paper must be complete enough—at least 900 words—for your instructor to provide constructive feedback.


Review Ch. 1 of the Writing Style Handbook for information about formatting guidelines for students in the Associate Program.


Use your topic outline in the Associate Program Material: Topic Sentences and Supporting Paragraphs to develop topic sentences and appropriate types of supporting paragraphs for the body of your expository essay.


Include appropriate transitions within and between paragraphs.


Format in-text citations and references consistent with Associate Program style guidelines.

Day 7100



Week Seven: Introductions and Conclusions

7.1  Discuss appropriate introductions and conclusions for expository essays.

7.2  Generate an introduction and a conclusion for an expository essay.

ReadingRead the Associate Program Material: Effective Introductions and Conclusions.  
ReadingRead the Associate Program Material: Revising, Peer Reviewing, and Proofreading.  
ReadingRead this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.  
ParticipationParticipate in class discussion.Days


Discussion QuestionsRespond to weekly discussion questions.Days 2 & 410
Nongraded Activities and Preparation

Peer Review of Expository Essay

Resource: MyWritingLab

Review the following multimedia on the student website:


·         “Office Hours: Peer Review Part 1” on the student website.

·         “Office Hours: Peer Review Part 2” on the student website.


Introductions and Conclusions

Generate an introduction and conclusion for your expository essay.


Add the introduction and conclusion to the body paragraphs of your essay. Although the instructor provides feedback on only your introduction and conclusion, he or she must see how all the parts of your essay fit together.


Review the Associate Program Material: Services at the Center for Writing Excellence for instructions on submitting a paper to the CWE and the Plagiarism Checker.


Submit a copy of your essay to the CWE for a review. Keep a copy of the report to submit to your instructor.


Use the Plagiarism Checker at the CWE to verify that you have used appropriate documentation in your essay. Keep a copy of the report to submit to your instructor.


Address the following in 150 to 200 words:


·         What kind of introduction did you write for your expository essay? What other types of introductions might be appropriate for this kind of essay? What makes your introduction type more effective than another introduction type for your particular essay?


·         What kind of conclusion did you write for your expository essay? What other types of conclusions might be appropriate for this kind of essay? What makes your conclusion type more effective than another conclusion type for your particular essay?

Day 540



Week Eight: Revising and Editing the Essay

8.1  Utilize feedback to revise and edit an expository essay.

8.2  Identify basic formatting guidelines for academic papers.

ReadingRead Ch. 1 of Associate Level Writing Style Handbook.  
Nongraded Activities and Preparation

Incorporating Feedback

Resource: MyWritingLab

Review “Revising and Editing a Student Essay” on the student website.


Peer Review of Expository Essay

Use the Associate Program Material: Peer Review Checklist to perform a peer review of a classmate’s expository essay, which your instructor will provide for you on Day 1. Use specific examples from your classmate’s paper to support your responses.Day 330

Formatting Academic Papers Crossword Puzzle

Resources: Associate Level Writing Style Handbook and the Citation Generator at the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE)

Review Ch. 1 of Associate Level Writing Style Handbook for information about formatting.

Review the following sections in the CWE:


·         Click Tutorials and Guides.

·         Scroll down to APA Information.

·         Select APA Reference and Citation Examples.

·         Select Reference and Citation Generator.


Access the APA Formatting Crossword Puzzle on the student website.

Complete the puzzle using the clues provided.

Submit a screen shot of your results page:


·         Press Alt + Print Screen on your computer keyboard to create a screenshot.

·         Open a blank Microsoft® Word document.

·         Press Ctrl + V on your keyboard to paste the screenshot into the document.

·         On the subject line, provide the exercise you are posting, for example, APA Formatting Crossword Puzzle.

Day 520

Incorporating Feedback

Read “Using an Essay Checklist,” located within the document Guidelines for Writing Academic Essays at the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE).


To download the entire document, go to the CWE.


·         Click Tutorials & Guides.

·         Click Grammar and Writing Guides.

·         Select Writing Wizards in the lower, left-hand corner of the screen.

·         Click Guidelines for Writing Academic Papers.

·         Click Download the Complete Guidelines for Writing Academic Essays.


For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:


·         Option 1: Strategies for Incorporating Feedback

·         Option 2: Revising and Editing Strategies

·         Option 3: Revising and Editing Steps in the Writing Process


Read the instructions in the Associate Program Material: Incorporating Feedback located on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment.

Day 7100



Week Nine: Completing the Expository Essay

9.1  Apply the steps in the writing process to complete a clear, concise, coherent, and unified expository essay.

ParticipationParticipate in class discussion.Days


Capstone Discussion QuestionRespond to the capstone discussion question.


·         Which part of the writing process was easiest for you? Which part was the most difficult? What did you learn from your writing experience during this class? In what ways have you learned to write more critically? How does this knowledge assist you with your education or in your workplace?

Day 310

Comprehensive Grammar

Use the Associate Program Material: Comprehensive Grammar Answer Form and the Associate Program Material: Comprehensive Grammar, located on the student website, to record your answers to the Comprehensive Grammar assignment.Day 530

Expository Essay Final Project

Use the Associate Program Material: Proofreading Checklist to proofread your final draft. If you do not answer yes to an item in the Proofreading Checklist, revise your paper accordingly.


Construct an expository essay of 1,500 to 1,750 words in length, formatted consistent with Associate Program style guidelines.


Include the following elements in your paper:


·         A title page

·         An introduction and a thesis statement

·         A body with supporting evidence and in-text citations

·         A conclusion

·         A reference list with at least two online sources


Review the Associate Program Material: Final Project Overview and Timeline to ensure that you have completed every step required for the final project.

Day 7250


Optional Discussion Questions


Week One Discussion Questions


  • Fact refers to information verifiable through evidence. Opinion refers to an impression open to dispute. Go to the History Channel website at http://www.hiscom/. Click Video at the top of the web page; then, type Speeches into the Search bar, or copy and paste the following link into a web browser: Select a speech, briefly describe the speech, and then explain whether the speech is fact or opinion. Include specific examples from the speech to support your explanation of the difference between fact and opinion.


When you respond to your classmates’ posts, ask for more information regarding areas of disagreement. Remember to focus on whether the speech is fact or opinion, rather than on the speech’s topic.


  • An essential step in selecting and narrowing a topic is to determine the purpose for which you are writing and the type of essay the assignment requires.


Consider the following topics:


  • Legalization of marijuana
  • Boston Tea Party
  • Endangered species
  • Enforcing school dress codes
  • Gun control


Which of the above topics are appropriate for an expository essay? Why do you think so? Which of the above topics are appropriate for a persuasive essay? Explain. What differentiates an expository essay from a persuasive essay?


Week Three Discussion Questions


  • One of the reasons academic writing requires third-person point of view is to minimize the opinions of the writer. When we cite other sources, we also borrow from their respectability in the field and from their expertise. It is as though we are academic reporters.


In the world of journalism, the news reported as objectively as possible. If television news broadcasters, for example, reported their own opinions, rather than facts, the opinions would probably not be enough to convince most viewers. Using the third person during a broadcast makes information seem much more objective.


Why must your academic writing use third-person, rather than first-person, point of view? How might you work on removing first person from your writing?


How does using third-person point of view affect the credibility of the sources you use for your academic writing?


  • Most people conduct Internet research by using popular search engines and entering key words. This process normally results in thousands of website options. Some of these sites are reliable, whereas others are not.


What websites do you normally frequent? Are these websites credible? When is credibility more important, and when is it less important? Support your answers with specific examples.


What questions might you ask to determine the credibility of online sources?


Week Five Discussion Questions


  • Select one of the following topics:


  • The leadership role of women in national politics has changed dramatically in the last 60 years.
  • Teachers and parents are concerned about whether standardized tests are an effective measurement of a child’s intelligence.
  • A healthful diet and regular exercise will not only improve health but also lower health-care costs.


Answer the following questions regarding the topic you selected:


What kinds of supporting paragraphs—examples, details, definitions, analysis, division and classification, process analysis, comparison-contrast, cause-effect, and argument—are appropriate to support this topic? Explain your answer.


Respond to classmates’ posts by asking for more information if you disagree with or do not understand a response.


  • An effective essay involves developing an outline, planning topic sentences, and identifying supporting points. How might you use these three concepts in planning and writing your expository essay?


Where might you place the topic sentence in your supporting paragraphs? Why would you place it there? Why is the thesis statement usually placed at the end of the introductory paragraph? How might you create unity and coherence in your essay?


Week Seven Discussion Questions


  • Select one of the essays from the following list located in the ERR page on the student website.


  • “Cabbies Stay on Their Phones Despite Ban”
  • “After Jackson, Fame May Never Be the Same”
  • “At Last, a $20,000 Cup of Coffee”
  • “Quick Arriving Fads Quick to Flame Out”


Which article did you select? What type of introduction does the writer use? What is the effect of that kind of introduction on that essay?


  • Select one of the essays from the following list located in the ERR page on the student website.


  • “Doctors in Cuba Start Over in the U.S.”
  • “A Legacy of War: Fake Art in Vietnam”


Which article did you select? What kind of conclusion does the writer use? What is the effect of that kind of conclusion on that essay?




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