CYB 135 Wk 2 – Apply: Summative Assessment: Labs

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CYB 135 Wk 2 - Apply: Summative Assessment: Labs
CYB 135 Wk 2 – Apply: Summative Assessment: Labs
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CYB 135 Wk 2 – Apply: Summative Assessment: Labs

Complete zyLabs 2.14–2.17 in zyBooks. You have unlimited attempts in Develop mode. Toggle to Submit mode for a grade.

Define the Artist class in with a constructor to initialize an artist’s information. The constructor should by default initialize the artist’s name to “unknown” and the years of birth and death to -1.

Define the Artwork class in with a constructor to initialize an artwork’s information. The constructor should by default initialize the title to “unknown”, the year created to -1, and the artist to use the Artist default constructor parameter values. Add an import statement to import the Artist class.