DAT 390 Wk 5 – Apply: Labs

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DAT 390 Wk 5 - Apply: Labs
DAT 390 Wk 5 – Apply: Labs
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DAT 390 Wk 5 – Apply: Labs

Complete zyLab 5.8 and 5.9 in zyBooks. You have unlimited attempts in Develop mode. Toggle to Submit mode for a grade.

Complete the Python program to create a Horse table, insert one row, and display the row. The main program calls four functions:

  1. create_connection() creates a connection to the database.
  2. create_table() creates the Horse table.
  3. insert_horse() inserts one row into Horse.
  4. select_all_horses() outputs all Horse rows.

Complete all four functions. Function parameters are described in the template. Do not modify the main program.

The Horse table should have five columns, with the following names, data types, constraints, and values:

NameData typeConstraintsValue
Idintegerprimary key, not null1
Breedtext‘Quarter horse’