ECH 418 Entire Course

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ECH 418 Entire Course
ECH 418 Entire Course
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Community And Family Engagement

The Latest Version A+ Study Guide



ECH 418 Entire Course Link



ECH 418 Wk 1 – Signature Assignment: Diverse Family Presentation

Your principal has asked you to create a brief training session for teachers in your school to help them better understand the diversity that exists within different families. The training should include how teachers can apply this knowledge about diverse families to create inclusive learning environments that enable all learners to meet high standards.


Create a 15- to 20-slide presentation that addresses the following:

  • Changing Families
  • How family structures, family member roles, and home environments have changed over time and why
  • Classroom or school environment strategies for teachers to incorporate learners’ individual experiences, abilities, talents, prior learning, language, culture, family, and community values
  • Lesson planning strategies for teachers to incorporate multiple perspectives, including attention to learners’ personal, family, and community experiences and cultural norms
  • Social and Economic Effects
  • How various social and economic conditions have affected families
  • How socioeconomic status may affect children in school
  • How teachers can identify signs of social or economic distress in children
  • Strategies teachers can use to ensure socioeconomic status does not negatively affect a child’s education (e.g., instructional strategies and resources to support language acquisition)


Note: You may find helpful resources for creating your presentation in the Technology Resource Library.


Include speaker notes and format any sources according to APA guidelines.


Submit your assignment.


ECH 418 Wk 2 – Quality Child Care Infographic or Flyer

Society has changed and so have families’ needs for child care. Your principal or director has asked each of the early childhood teachers at your school to create a visual that explains what makes a quality child care environment. These visuals will be shared and discussed at the next professional development session.


Brainstorm questions families might have about a daycare provider and how you would answer their questions and concerns.


Obtain a copy of your state’s child care regulations for different types of child care settings.


Create a 2-page infographic or flyer that includes the following:


Page 1

  • Your beliefs about daycare and early childhood
  • Your definition of quality child care
  • Examples of how you will support your definition of quality child care in the learning environment
  • Examples of how you will connect with families to assure them that their children will have quality experiences while in your care


Page 2

A graphic organizer, chart, or table depicting the following for at least 3 different childcare settings:

  • A description of the setting
  • The requirements and any trends in that setting
  • The ratio of adults to children at various ages
  • Qualifications of required caregivers at various ages


Include a list of any references used to complete your assignment.


Submit your assignment.


ECH 418 Wk 3 – Signature Assignment: IEP vs. IFSP Presentation and Resources Handout

Your principal has asked you to learn more about individualized education programs (IEPs), individualized family service plans (IFSPs), and the process of inclusion so you are better able to support families who have children with special needs. To do this, complete parts 1 and 2 below.


Part 1: IEP vs. IFSP Presentation

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation differentiating IEPs and IFSPs.


Ensure you do the following in your presentation:

  • Describe the purpose of each plan and what elements each consists of
  • Distinguish how each plan benefits children and families
  • Identify who oversees the plans, who is involved in the plan, and to what capacity
  • Describe the laws or policies in place that support inclusion
  • Explain how inclusion might be beneficial and challenging to children with exceptionalities


Include speaker notes and format any sources according to APA guidelines.


Part 2: Family Resources Handout

Research the aspects of a family who has a child with special needs. Consider all challenges, including the emotional, physical, and financial.


Locate resources that are available for families of children with special needs. These resources can be physical locations or online resources.


Create a 4-panel brochure supporting families with a child who has special needs child. When preparing the document, think of the parent reading your writing and choose your wording carefully. The brochure should include:

  • an heading and brief introduction providing purpose for the readers
  • a minimum of five supportive community resources including a description for each (they can be web based or physical locations
  • The brochure should be visually appealing, including graphics and an effective layout
  • list references if utilized


Submit your assignment.


ECH 418 Wk 4 – Family Literacy Night

Your principal has asked you to plan a night for families to be immersed in literature.


Consider how family influence affects how children embrace education, and research strategies that can be used by families to promote literacy skills for young children.


Plan a Family Literacy Night for your local elementary school.


Write a 260- to 350-word summary or outline of your plan that addresses the following questions:

  • What is the literature-based theme for the night?
  • What types of activities will be offered for families?
  • Where will these activities be conducted?
  • Who will lead the sessions?
  • What is the time frame? (Ensure that you are setting a time frame that works for both families who work and who stay at home.)


Create a 1-page pamphlet or trifold brochure for the Family Literacy Night that includes graphics for visual appeal. This brochure will be sent home with children to encourage families to attend your Family Literacy Night.


Note: You may use Brochure Builder or another resource from the Technology Resource Library to create your pamphlet or brochure.


Submit your assignment.



ECH 418 Wk 4 Team – Child Care Interview

Your learning team has been asked to learn more about different child care providers and the licensing regulations and policies that affect them.


To do this, locate an in-home child care provider, a traditional child care center provider, and a school district child care provider.


Compose a list of 8 to 10 questions to ask each child care provider.


Include the following in your questions:

  • How they determine the needs of children and families
  • The various factors that affect their settings
  • How they deal with concerned families
  • How licensing affects the daycare providers


Interview at least 3 child care providers total with the questions created by the team.


Create a visual organizer or flow chart to synthesize your findings.


Submit the team assignment.



ECH 418 Wk 5 – Signature Assignment: Classroom Website

Your principal has asked all teachers at your school to develop their own website in an effort to improve communication between home and school.


Research website development tools or platforms. You will need to select a pool or platform to complete this assignment. You may choose to use one of the following provided examples as your template:

  • Google Sites Example
  • Padlet Example
  • Microsoft® PowerPoint® Example


Choose an age/grade level you would like to teach.


Create a website for your classroom using the tool or platform you selected. This website will be used to communicate with families, to improve student learning, and to promote home/school/community partnerships.


Include the following topics in your website:

  • About the Teacher – Write a minimum of 260 words about yourself as a teacher. Include a summary of your educational philosophy.
  • Classroom Calendar – Provide a sample weekly or monthly calendar with typical classroom activities that are developmentally appropriate for the identified age/grade level.
  • Learning Links – Include 5 to 10 links relevant to the identified age/grade level and explain how each link can support student learning.
  • Educational Activities for Families – Describe at least 3 activities families can implement at home to improve student learning.
  • Community Connections – Provide at least 5 legitimate community resources (consider including some of the resources you identified in the Wk 3 Signature Assignment: IEP vs. IFSP Presentation and Resources Handout assignment) and explain how each can be used to promote home, school, or community partnerships.


Format any sources according to APA guidelines.


Ensure your website is public so that faculty can access it.


Submit a link to your website.