EDU 390 Wk 2 Dispositions Assessment: Bongo Video Interview

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EDU 390 Wk 2 Dispositions Assessment: Bongo Video Interview
EDU 390 Wk 2 Dispositions Assessment: Bongo Video Interview
  • Description

EDU 390 Wk 2 Dispositions Assessment: Bongo Video Interview 

As a part of this course, you must complete a recorded interview to assess your dispositions for the teaching profession.

Review the Dispositions Interview Tips for Success

Ensure you are in a quiet and comfortable setting and will not be interrupted for 30 minutes when you are ready to begin.

Complete the Bongo Video Dispositions Assessment by following these steps:

  1. Select theBongo Access link in the beginning of this course.
  2. Select Set 1 Dispositions Assessment when you are ready to begin.

Allow approximately one hour for the videos to process and be ready for finalization.

Note: Partial points cannot be earned for this assignment. The 200 points for this assignment are earned once you complete the disposition assessment in Bongo. You will earn 0 points if you do not complete the interview.

Note: This assignment will show as not submitted after you complete the assignment within Bongo. This assignment will only show a green check mark after the assignment has been graded.

If you experience any technical difficulties, contact technical support at 877-832-4867.

Submit your assignment in Bongo.