HCS 216 Week 4 Knowledge Checks- Week 4

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HCS 216 Week 4 Knowledge Checks- Week 4
HCS 216 Week 4 Knowledge Checks- Week 4
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HCS 216 Week 4 Knowledge Checks- Week 4

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 4 Knowledge Checks


Which of the following parts of the female mammary gland produces milk?

The areola

The alveoli

The ampulla

The adipose tissue


Identify an accurate statement about the hormonal control of male reproduction.

Before birth, human chorionic gonadotropin secreted by the placenta inhibits the developing testes of the embryo from secreting testosterone.

Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone boost testosterone secretion after puberty in a major positive feedback loop.

The testes secrete the maximum amount of testosterone in the period between birth and puberty.

Puberty in males is characterized by a radical reduction in the amount of testosterone secreted by the testes.

Correct :


Identify a difference between the luteal phase and the proliferative phase.

The time between the end of menses and ovulation is known as the proliferative phase, while the time between ovulation and menses is known as the luteal phase.

The corpus luteum develops in the ovary during the proliferative phase, while the follicles start maturating in the ovary during the luteal phase.

The luteal phase is also known as the follicular phase, while the proliferative phase is also known as the secretory phase.

The proliferative phase is characterized by the secretion of the hormone progesterone, while the luteal phase is characterized by the secretion of the hormone estrogen.

  • Female Anatomy
  • The Uterus


Which of the following anatomical structures serves as passageway for the egg to travel to the uterus from the ovary?

The mesovarium

The fallopian tube

The vagina

The cervix

Correct :


In the context of the female reproductive system, identify an accurate statement about the structure of the uterus.

The uterus is located anterior to the urinary bladder in the pelvic cavity.

The narrow, inferior portion of the uterus is called the isthmus.

The innermost layer of the uterus wall is known as the myometrium.

The lateral cervical ligaments help attach the uterus to the lateral pelvic walls of the pelvic cavity.


Which of the following is a difference between the endometrium and the myometrium of the uterus wall?

The endometrium forms the outermost layer of the uterine wall, while the myometrium forms the innermost layer of the uterine wall.

The endometrium is composed of columnar epithelium and secretory cells, while the myometrium is primarily composed of smooth muscle.

The endometrium is never replaced, whereas the myometrium is shed and regenerated every 28 days.

The endometrium receives its blood supply from arcuate arteries, whereas the myometrium receives its blood supply from radial arteries.

The endometrium is composed of columnar epithelium and secretory cells, while the myometrium is composed of smooth muscle. The myometrium is the middle layer of the


Which type of epithelium makes up the seminal vesicles?

Simple squamous epithelium

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Transitional epithelium

Psuedostratified epithelium


In the context of the male reproductive system, identify an accurate statement about the testes.

The abnormal collection of fluid within the testes is termed cryptorchidism.

The testes migrate into the scrotum during the first three months of embryonic development.

Each testis is composed of 250 to 300 wedges called lobules.

The serous membrane that surrounds each testis is called the adventitia.


Identify a similarity between the male reproductive system and the female reproductive system.

Both the male reproductive system and the female reproductive system have the same number of accessory genitalia.

In both the female reproductive system and the male reproductive system, the urethra acts both as a channel for excreting urine and releasing gametes.

In both the female reproductive system and the male reproductive system, the primary genitalia are external.

Both the female reproductive system and the male reproductive system have a pair of gonads.


Which condition is most likely a result of the incessant proliferation, bleeding, and decay of endometrial tissue in the pelvic and abdominal cavities?

Endometrial carcinoma


Polycystic ovarian syndrome



Identify an accurate statement about menstrual disorders.

When menstruation is difficult and involves painful cramping, it is known as dysmenorrhea.

Infection by staphylococcus aureus is the main cause of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Premenstrual syndrome is typically characterized by symptoms associated with the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle.

GnRH agonists are always administered to treat mild premenstrual syndrome.


29-year-old Esma has been having irregular menstrual cycles. She and her husband have not been able to conceive a child. Suspecting that she may be infertile, Esma visits Dr. Grey for a medical check-up. On examination, Dr. Grey notes that Esma is overweight, has excess facial hair, and is showing signs of baldness. He also discovers that she is resistant to insulin and experiences hypertension. Imaging and blood tests reveal that Esma’s gonads are abnormally large and that she has increased blood levels of testosterone and estrogen, but very low levels of progesterone. What is the most probable diagnosis for Esma’s condition?

Toxic shock syndrome


Polycystic ovarian syndrome



What is the most common nonskin form of cancer that affects American men?

Breast cancer

Prostrate cancer

Brain cancer

Liver cancer


Identify an accurate statement about erectile dysfunction.

Apomorphine is a drug that can help improve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is relatively common among men between the ages of 20 and 35.

Erectile dysfunction tends to decrease with age.

A person is usually diagnosed with erectile dysfunction if he is unable to maintain an erection over a period of one to two weeks.


Mario, a 65-year-old Hispanic male, visits Dr. Lyra for a medical examination. He complains that he often feels the urge to urinate and that this urge often disrupts his sleep at night. He tells Dr. Lyra that his urine stream is weak and that he experiences the sensation of incomplete voiding whenever he urinates. Dr. Lyra conducts a thorough medical examination and instructs Mario to undergo some laboratory tests. The results of the tests rule out urinary conditions such as urinary tract infection, diabetes mellitus, and an overactive bladder. Lyra suspects that the enlargement of a certain gland surrounding Mario’s urethra might be causing these symptoms. Based on Dr. Lyra’s suspicions, from which condition is Mario most likely suffering?



Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Erectile dysfunction disorder


Which type of medical imaging technique is based on the same principles as that of SONAR or fish finders in fishing boats?


Magnetic resonance imaging

Computerized tomography



Which of the following statements is true about ultrasound?

Ultrasound imaging involves a high degree of radiation exposure.

Ultrasound imaging uses magnetic energy to produce cross-sectional images of structures within the body.

Ultrasound procedures often trigger feelings of claustrophobia in patients.

Ultrasound imaging is a lot more sensitive than a regular x-ray.


Angelina is in her fourth month of pregnancy. Her obstetrician, Dr. Keller, uses a certain imaging technique to monitor the development of Angelina’s fetus. This technique does not involve any radiation exposure and allows Dr. Keller to view the movements of the fetus in real time. Which of the following medical imaging techniques is Dr. Keller employing in this scenario?

Magnetic resonance imaging

Computerized tomography




Which of the following statements is true of a mammogram?

Typically, women under the age of 30 are required to get a mammogram done at least once every year.

Annual mammograms are typically recommended for women who have a strong family history of breast cancer.

Older women receive false positive mammogram results for breast cancer more often than younger women do.

A mammogram is an ultrasound of the upper thoracic area.


Melinda visits her local gynecologist, Dr. Grey, for a medical check-up. During the examination, Dr. Grey collects scrapings from inside Melinda’s cervix. On enquiry, Dr. Grey tells Melinda that he requires a sample of her cervical cells for a certain test that detects the presence of cancer. What procedure is Dr. Grey most likely referring to in this scenario?

Pap test

Litmus test

Prenatal test

Prostate-specific antigen test


Which of the following helps in diagnosing endometriosis with certainty?


Urine testing

Laparoscopy with biopsy examination

Pap test with microscopic examination