MGT 316T All Discussions

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MGT 316T All Discussions
MGT 316T All Discussions
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MGT 316T Wk 1 Discussion – Managerial Viewpoints

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

A people-focused organization stems from Theory Y, which is a view of the organization that considers employees to be capable, creative, responsible, and motivated to work and learn. In contrast, Theory X suggests that workers are resistant and unwilling and need to be monitored and controlled in order to achieve anything. A part of self-awareness includes gaining a better understanding of what type of organizational work environment one prefers. Answer the following questions in your response:

  • Would you like working for a company that follows a people-focused, Theory Y view, of its employees? Why or why not?
  • What about Theory X? Why or why not?
  • What types of managers/companies have you worked for in the past, Theory X or Theory Y?

Due Monday

Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional.



MGT 316T Wk 2 Discussion – Social Responsibility

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Read the “Did United Sacrifice a Customer’s Well-Being to Its Own Needs” example on p. 82 in Ch. 3 of Management: A Practical Introduction. In your response:

  • Discuss whether you feel that this is how businesses view their customers.
  • Examine whether an airline’s need to staff or cancel a flight is more important than passengers’ needs to travel to their destinations.
  • Explain what may happen if an airline makes a poor choice, as in Dr. Dao’s case, that affects its external stakeholders by jeopardizing its stock price.

Due Monday

Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional.


MGT 316T Wk 3 Discussion – Setting Goals

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Read the “SWOT Analysis: How Would You Analyze Toyota?” example on p. 197 in Ch. 6 of Management: A Practical Introduction. In your response:

  • Determine the internal strengths that Toyota could make better use of in the future.
  • Summarize which internal weaknesses you feel are most important to address.
  • Analyze whether Toyota is situated to take advantage of all its current external opportunities.
  • Determine which external threats should it prioritize and explain why.


Due Monday

Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional.


MGT 316T Wk 4 Discussion – Human Resources

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Read “The Changing Job Market: Millennials, the Gig Economy, and the Episodic Career” example on p. 332 in Ch. 9 of Management: A Practical Introduction. In your response:

  • Define “The Gig Economy” in your own words.
  • Describe the kinds of skills you can bring to the gig economy.
  • Determine if you would prefer to be a contract worker or an employee. Explain why.
  • Consider where you work now or have previously worked and if gig employees were prevalent. If so, why do you think this was prevalent?

Due Monday

Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional.


MGT 316T Wk 5 Discussion – Leadership Traits

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:


Read the “Great Leaders Worldwide” example on p. 547 in Ch. 14 of Management: A Practical Introduction. In your response:

  • Consider someone you view as a great leader. Assess the traits and interpersonal attributes that cause you to view the person as a great leader.
  • Reflect on the traits and leadership style of a male leader and those of a female leader with whom you have worked. Describe any key differences between their approaches to leadership and their male and female counterparts.
  • Describe a time you saw someone display behaviors that would be consistent with the “dark side” traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and/or psychopathy. To what extent did those traits help or hinder the person’s career success?

Due Monday

Post 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional.