MGT 434T Wk 2 – Practice: Assignment

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MGT 434T Wk 2 - Practice: Assignment
MGT 434T Wk 2 – Practice: Assignment
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MGT 434T Wk 2 – Practice: Assignment

What did the University of Chicago and MIT find about people who have names that are generally found in black communities?

·    They were less likely to be invited for a job interview.

·    They were more likely to be invited for a job interview.

·    They were more likely to be invited for a job interview over their white-named counterparts.

·    They had the same effect as traditional white names.



Which two groups represent the largest number of immigrants living in the United States? 

·    Polynesian and Latino

·    African and Middle Eastern

·    Asian and Latino

·    Middle Eastern and Asian



When looking at whether an accommodation is an undue hardship, courts look to _________.

·    The employer’s efforts

·    The cost of accommodation

·    The size of the employer

·    All of the above



Why was it permissible for a Jesuit university to deny a qualified Jewish philosophy professor a teaching position at the university on the basis of his religion?

·    The Jesuit university had a completely different teaching format that the Jewish professor had never been exposed to.

·    The requirement that a professor also be a Jesuit was wholly consistent with the university’s mission to expose students to education in the context of the Jesuit tradition.

·    It is against the Jesuit religion to learn anything from a Jewish teacher, no matter the education level or subject matter.

·    None of the above.



In the Hewlett-Packard Company case, an employee who objected to the firm’s diversity policy posted anti-gay verses from the Bible at his desk. The court that ultimately heard that case found an undue hardship. What was the reason for this ruling?

·    It was impossible for HP to accommodate religiously motivated expressions that violated its core human resource philosophy.

·    It is against the law to use scripture to discriminate against others in the workplace.

·    Employees are not allowed to share religious beliefs so boldly.

·    It was not reasonable to allow one employee to make other employees annoyed during their working hours.



Which of the following is an example of national origin harassment?

·    Hiring a person based on his or her national origin

·    Using ethnic slurs in the workplace

·    Promoting an individual based on his or her national origin

·    None of the above


Which religious groups have seen the largest increase in workplace discrimination over the past decade?

·    Atheists and Christians

·    Christians and Muslims

·    Hindus and Buddhists

·    Muslims and Hindus



Certain nationals may be discriminated against in employment in situations of ________.

·    National security under federal statute or Executive Order

·    BFOQs

·    Economic downturns

·    Illegal aliens



Which of the following is not part of the EEOC’s investigation for a discrimination claim?

·    The frequency of the action

·    The impact on the organization’s performance

·    The physical or threatening nature of the harassment

·    The severity of the unwelcome conduct



Religious observances include a broad range of activities that could include ________.

·    Formal meeting attendance

·    Public praying

·    Proselytizing or abstinence from some common practices

·    All of the above