MGT 434T Wk 3 – Practice: Assignment

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MGT 434T Wk 3 - Practice: Assignment
MGT 434T Wk 3 – Practice: Assignment
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MGT 434T Wk 3 – Practice: Assignment

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires that contractors, including subcontractors, with _______ or more employees and contracts valued at ________ or more must take affirmative action to employ qualified individuals with disabilities.

·    15; $15,000

·     50; $50,000

·    50; $10,000

·    10; $10,000



Which of the following definitions was not adopted by the ADA from the Rehabilitation Act’s definition of a disability?

·    A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

·    Having a record of an impairment

·    Being perceived as having an impairment

·     Being able to pass the national impairment proof test



Courts will find a reduction in force (RIF) plan discriminatory if _________.

·    Downsizing is used as an opportunity to eliminate older workers

·    The selection of which employees will be terminated is based on subjective criteria

·    The RIF is initiated as pretext to avoid ADEA concerns

·     All of the above



What did Congress intend employers to do before claiming undue hardship?

·     Seek external government funding.

·    Shoulder all the weight of providing accommodations.

·    Hold internal fundraisers to provide for disabled employees’ needs.

·    Have all other employees sign a petition as proof of undue hardship.



The ADEA applies to public and private employers and unions with more than _______ employees.

·     20

·    15

·    50

·    30



Which of the following is not a reasonable accommodation?

·    Providing large-print documents

·    Creating privacy barriers

·     Granting exceptions to seniority rules

·    Providing ramps



A job function may be considered essential for any of several reasons, including that _________.

·    a. The position exists to perform the function

·    b. There are a limited number of workers among whom the function may be distributed

·    c. The task is highly generalized

·        d. Both A and B



  1. President Johnson issued Executive Order 11246, which required that _________ have a nondiscrimination clause in contracts and abide by its terms.

o    Only federal contractors receiving over $100,000 in payments from federal monies

o    Contractors and subcontractors working for private businesses

o      Contractors and subcontractors working with the federal government

o    Both public and private contractors and subcontractors




Which of the following is not a typical position that can be defended by the BFOQ defense for age discrimination?

·    Police officer

·     Cook

·    Bus driver

·    Pilot




What is a job group analysis?

·     Grouping jobs based on the greatest amount of minority disparate treatment

·    Grouping jobs based on how important they are to the continued operations of the business and deciding which positions can be eliminated

·    Grouping minorities and seeing which jobs most commonly support the groups and searching to understand why only these jobs are being filled

·    Grouping jobs within an organization by function, responsibilities, and potential, and then rendering an analysis on the characteristics of each employee in the job group