IT 210 Week 3 Checkpoint: sequential and selection processing control structures

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IT 210 Week 3 Checkpoint: sequential and selection processing control structures
IT 210 Week 3 Checkpoint: sequential and selection processing control structures
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IT 210 Week 3 Checkpoint: sequential and selection processing control structures

Read the following scenario:

You are an accountant setting up a payroll system for a small firm. Each line of the table in Appendix G indicates an employee’s salary range and corresponding base tax amount and tax percentage.  These values are not input variables, but provided as constants in the problem statement.  Given a salary amount, the tax is calculated by adding the base tax for that salary range and the product of percentage of excess and the amount of salary over the minimum salary for that range.  You will need to use a decision structure to determine into which range the salary (input) falls.

This Checkpoint has four parts:

  1. Develop a flowchart (please see Chapter 2, pages 94-95).
  2. Develop pseudocode.
  3. Generate a set of input test values.  These values should test the pseudocode for each path of the decision structure and also include at least one invalid input.
  4. Perform a design walkthrough, which means to review your flowchart and pseudocode in order to identify errors, and acknowledge it, such as “I have performed a design walkthrough”.