BIO 291 Week 5 WileyPLUS Quiz

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BIO 291 Week 5 WileyPLUS Quiz
BIO 291 Week 5 WileyPLUS Quiz
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BIO 291 Week 5 WileyPLUS Quiz

BIO/291 Week 5 Question 1

Lingual lipase, which is present in saliva, begins chemical digestion of what macromolecule?






Nucleic acids





BIO/291 Week 5 Question 2

Which of the following is not a correct salivary gland?











BIO/291 Week 5 Question 3


Which of the following statements regarding saliva is incorrect?


Produced by three glands – parotid, submandibular and sublingual


Begins protein and fat/lipid chemical digestion in the mouth


Contains a lysozyme that kills bacteria


Acts as a buffer for food contents due to high amounts of bicarbonate



BIO/291 Week 5 Question 4

Which of the following structures is essential in controlling glandular secretion along the length of the digestive tract?


Pyloric Sphincter


Myenteric Plexus


Goblet Cells


Submucosal Plexus



BIO/291 Week 5 Question 5


Which of the following structures is essential in controlling the contraction of the muscularis (externa) along the length of the digestive tract?


Pyloric Sphincter


Myenteric Plexus


Goblet Cells


Submucosal Plexus



BIO/291 Week 5 Question 6


What epithelial type can be found lining the stomach through the rectum?


Simple columnar


Stratified columnar


Stratified squamous





BIO/291 Week 5 Question 7


Which of the following is not a correct component of the digestive system mucosa?


Simple columnar epithelium


Lamina propria


Muscularis (externa)


Muscularis mucosae



BIO/291 Week 5 Question 8

The parietal cells in the stomach are responsible for secreting which of the following?


Gastric amylase




Intrinsic factor and hydrochloric acid





BIO/291 Week 5 Question 9


What molecule is needed to activate pepsinogen?


Gastric amylase




Hydrochloric acid(HCl)





BIO/291 Week 5 Question 10


Intrinsic factor is needed in order to absorb which of the following?


Vitamin A


Vitamin B12


Vitamin C


Vitamin D



BIO/291 Week 5 Question 11


What acid-resistant bacteria is the cause of most peptic ulcers?


Helicobacter pylori


Staphylococcus aureus


Escherichia coli


Staphylococcus pylori



BIO/291 Week 5 Question 12

Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding a villus?


Lamina propria contains a lacteal and capillary bed


Contractions speed up during digestion


Covered by simple squamous epithelium


Intestinal glands/Crypts of Lieberkuhn are found between the villi



BIO/291 Week 5 Question 13


Which of the following enzymes would not digest proteins?




Pancreatic lipase







BIO/291 Week 5 Question 14


Accumulation of which of the following in blood will result in jaundice?


Bile pigments









BIO/291 Week 5 Question 15


The lining of the large intestine/colon primarily absorbs which of the following substances?






Water, vitamins and minerals


Fats and lipids