CHM 110 Wk 2 – Energy Forms and Changes Simulation

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CHM 110 Wk 2 - Energy Forms and Changes Simulation
CHM 110 Wk 2 – Energy Forms and Changes Simulation
  • Description

CHM 110 Wk 2 – Energy Forms and Changes Simulation

Visit the Energy Forms and Changes Simulation, and follow these steps:

  1. Click Intro from the Home Screen.
  2. In this simulation you have 4 substances: iron, brick, water, and olive oil. You have 2 heating plates to heat those substances. You also have thermometers you can drag and drop on various substances to measure temperature.
  3. Drag and drop a substance (iron, brick, water, or olive oil) on top of the hot plate.
  4. Drag and drop a thermometer on top of each substance.
  5. Heat each substance and cool each substance. Observe the changes in the thermometer.
  6. Repeat Step 2 until you have heated, cooled, and measured each substance.
  7. Click Energy Symbols at the top of the screen. Little squares with the letter E will appear in each substance.
  8. Repeat heating and cooling each substance as you did in Steps 2-4. Make sure you heat to as hot as the substance will allow and cool to as cold as the substance will allow. This time observe what happens to the Energy Symbols. Pay attention to similarities and differences between the substances.


Following completion of the simulation, write a 260-350-word response answering the following:

  • What did you do during the simulation? Briefly describe.
  • What did you observe?
  • What do your observations teach you about the storage and transfer of energy?
  • What additional questions does this make you wonder about related to the storage and transfer of energy?


In your response, include some of the new vocabulary introduced in this week’s reading, such as:

  • Energy
  • Kinetic energy
  • Potential energy
  • Chemical energy
  • Endothermic
  • Exothermic
  • Heating
  • Temperature
  • First law of thermodynamics
  • Second law of thermodynamics
  • Liquid
  • Solid
  • Density


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