DAT 210 Week 5 Functional Programming Currency Converter (2020 New)

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DAT 210 Week 5 Functional Programming Currency Converter (2020 New)
DAT 210 Week 5 Functional Programming Currency Converter (2020 New)
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DAT 210 Week 5 Functional Programming Currency Converter (2020 New)

Your software company was invited to provide a proposal for a foreign based company You currently have the cost in US dollars and need to convert the prices to the foreign currency.

Write a 2-part program using Ruby, Java®, or Python.

Part 1: Write a function to gather the following costs from the user:

  • Scenario 1: Travel, Hotel, Rental Car, Labor
  • Scenario 2: Air Fare, Cruise Line, Rental Car, Land Excursions
  • Scenario 3: Tour Cost, Balloon Ride Cost, Safari Cost, River Boat Cost

Part 2: Write a function to convert the costs from United States dollar (USD) to Euros for scenario 1. For scenario 2 convert to Mexican Peso, for scenario 3 Swiss Francs. Note: Look up the current exchange rates and code them as constants. Do not input them.

Part 3: Write a summary before the program exits that summarizes the total USD input and the converted amount.


Test the program 3 times by providing different costs in USD.  The program should run in a loop until the user quits the program.


Provide two files: 1) the actual program code, and 2) a screenshot of the output pasted into a Microsoft® Word document. Include your name and week # in the file names including any zips. You may compress your files into a .zip file but do not use any other compressed file format.

Write a 150 word response in the same Microsoft® Word document to address the following:

  • Provide a manual for the user explaining how to use the program.
  • Explain what type of user input validations you should have. What happens if the user enters a negative number? What happens if the user puts a $ in the input?

Submit your file(s).


Submissions that duplicate the submission of another student (comments, formatting, variable names, coding standards, formulas, etc.) are not eligible for credit.