EED 420 Week 3 Performance Task and Summative Analytic

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EED 420 Week 3 Performance Task and Summative Analytic
EED 420 Week 3 Performance Task and Summative Analytic
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EED 420 Week 3 Performance Task and Summative Analytic

Search the Internet for summative analytic rubric.

Review the following chapters:

  • 5 of Teaching Science Through Inquiry and Investigation
  • 6 of Teaching Children Science

Use the textbook readings and your Internet search to learn about the various parts of a rubric.

Create a performance task with a rubric.

Determine a science performance task consistent with grade-level standards using either the 5E lesson you created for this class or a different lesson you created for this class. Then, create an analytic grading rubric to match the task and standards. Ensure that the task and rubric meet the following expectations:

  • The performance task is relevant and consistent with grade-level standards.
  • The criteria are clear and consistent with both the task and standards.
  • There are three to five levels of performance, and the levels are labeled correctly with numbers or words.
  • Each descriptor is clear and easily understandable for student success.
  • Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling are used.

Submit a description of the task and the rubric.