ENG 215 Week 4 Annotated Bibliography

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ENG 215 Week 4 Annotated Bibliography
ENG 215 Week 4 Annotated Bibliography
Year: 2016
  • Description

ENG 215 Week 4 Annotated Bibliography

Select a topic for your persuasive research paper, due in Week 5, that argues your personal position on a controversial topic that you think is worthy of public debate. The topic must be current, part of an ongoing debate, or a relatively new, unknown topic that you think deserves more attention.

Note. If you write on a topic that is part of an ongoing debate, your argument must address all sides of the issue, and must represent and persuasively respond to positions different from your own. Remember that topics, such as abortion and the death penalty, may be difficult to write about because of how polarizing they are. You may find it difficult to look at all sides of these kinds of debates, especially if you have strong feelings. Avoid these kinds of debates, and look for something fresh.

If you write on a relatively new or unknown topic, part of your task will be educating your readers on this topic and proving that it is worthy of serious public debate.

Review the Annotated Bibliography document.

Create a four- to seven-item annotated bibliography for your persuasive research paper.


At the top of the bibliography, state the title of your paper and include your one-sentence thesis.  Make sure that you include the full citation for each source in correct APA format.

  • These items should be peer-reviewed articles from the University Library.
  • The bibliography should follow the guidelines for annotated bibliographies, contain correctly formatted APA-style entries, and include a one-paragraph summary/analysis of the item.
  • The summary/analysis should include the following elements: a one- to three-sentence summary of the article and one- to three- sentence analysis of the article that states its usefulness to your final paper.

Submit your annotated bibliography to the Assignment Files tab.