ENG 223 Entire Course

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ENG 223 Entire Course
ENG 223 Entire Course
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ENG 223 Week 1 Written Communication in the Workplace

Choose a specific workplace environment that requires regular written communication. It might be a workplace you have experience with, or it might be a workplace you hope to enter when you have earned your degree.

Write a 350- to 700-word essay answering the following questions about your chosen workplace:

  • What are the primary audiences for written communication?
  • What types of media (such as email, instant messages, memos, etc.) would be most suited to the audiences you’ve identified?
  • What kind of tone would be most appropriate for this workplace?

Support your answers by citing your assigned course materials.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Save the file as ENG 223 First Name Last Name Written Communication.

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.



ENG 223 Week 2 Formal Messaging

Write a one- to two-page formal letter or memo in which you communicate a negative message. You may select from one of the following scenarios:

  • Tell your investors or employees about a recent decrease in your company’s stock value. (letter)
  • Inform employees of a coming round of layoffs at your place of business. (memo or letter)
  • Communicate displeasure with a businesses or vendor’s work practices or product. (letter)
  • Inform a customer that you are unable to refund his or her money or accept a returned product. (letter)
  • Select another scenario of your choice, as approved by your instructor.

Format your letter or memo as suggested in Ch. 10 of Workplace Writing.

Save the file as ENG 223 First Name Last Name Formal Messaging.

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.


ENG 223 Week 2 Final Project: Report Topic Selection

Review the Research-Driven Long, Formal Report Instructions.

Select a topic for your assignment from the list of potential recommendations below:

  • Expansion of a business (retail, food, services, and so on) to another location(s)
  • Improving a firm’s sales and profit
  • Improving a company’s customer services
  • Implementing flexible scheduling
  • Reduction of business costs
  • Implementing sustainability measures across the company
  • Informal, dress down Fridays
  • Technology (software and hardware) changes across the company
  • A business or workplace problem developed using the Virtual Organizations site
  • Another topic as approved by your instructor

Submit your selected topic for approval and write one paragraph about how you plan to approach the report given what you have learned in your Weeks one and two course materials.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Save the file as ENG 223 First Name Last Name Report Topic Selection.

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.


ENG 223 Week 3 Persuasive Messages

Choose one of the following topics for a persuasive email to a manager or coworker:

  • Requesting a workplace modification or resource
  • Advocating a change in direction on a project
  • Requesting a promotion
  • Recommending specific reductions in workplace waste or money-saving opportunities
  • Requesting to hire a new worker
  • Another topic as approved by your instructor

Write a 400- to 600-word persuasive email that includes a well-crafted subject line, salutation, and signature block. Use the ARGU method as detailed in Workplace Writing and be mindful of the need to maintain an appropriate balance of ethos, pathos, and logos.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Save the file as ENG 223 First Name Last Name Persuasive Messaging.

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.


ENG 223 Week 4 Tools for the Job Seeker

Select a position that you might like to apply for from a career search website of your choosing. This can be a job that you are qualified for now or will be qualified for after earning your degree.

Refer to Ch. 11 of Workplace Writing and choose either a reverse chronological resume or a functional resume, depending on your work-history situation.

Create a one- to two-page resume for this job. Your resume should be formatted consistently by using the same type face, font, and headings. Use clear writing. You may use the resume sample template to compete this assignment.

Include the following sections as appropriate:

  • Name and contact information
  • Career objectives
  • Summary of qualifications
  • Education
  • Experience
  • Honors and awards
  • Individualized activities

You may also view templates for resumes from Microsoft® Word and any examples used in this course. Be ethical in your use of outside resources. Refer to the section entitled “Practice Resume Ethics” (p. 316) in Ch. 11 of Workplace Writing for additional help.

Note: If you only have a few lines on the second page, you should reformat the document or condense the information so that if fits to one page.

Write a one-page cover letter to accompany your resume.

In addition, you may assume you have also interviewed for this position.

Write a one-page follow-up letter.

Save the assignment as one file (cover letter, resume, then follow-up letter) named ENG 223 First Name Last Name Tools for the Job Seeker.

Submit your resume, cover letter, and follow-up letter to the Assignment Files tab.

Note: The resume will be worth 50 points, the cover letter 50 points, and the follow-up letter 50 points.



ENG 223 Week 5 Research-Driven Long, Formal Report

Review the Research-Driven Formal Report Instructions.

Read the Report Rubric for specific requirements for this assignment.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Save the report file as ENG 223 First Name Last Name Report.

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.