ENV 100 Week 4 Impacts of an Energy Resource Plan

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ENV 100 Week 4 Impacts of an Energy Resource Plan
ENV 100 Week 4 Impacts of an Energy Resource Plan
  • Description

ENV 100 Week 4 Impacts of an Energy Resource Plan

Resources: Gamescape Episode 4 Results PDF and Ch. 15-18 of Visualizing Environmental Science.

Complete Episode 4: “Controlling Energy Systems” of Gamescape.

 **There are two choices to complete this assignment: a Worksheet or a Presentation.**

Choice #1: Complete the Impacts of an Energy Resource Plan Worksheet.

Choice #2: Develop a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with cited visual aids and speaker’s notes (these notes can be added in the box below each slide or in a separate document) in which you evaluate the effects of waste products and fossil fuels on the environment. You may use the example “Week 4 Presentation” in the Student Materials section as a starting point (this template is a great way to stay on-track!). Include the following items:

  • Introduction
  • Select two waste products from Chapter 16 (many examples are given of municipal solid waste, nonmunicipal solid waste, and hazardous waste within the chapter). Describe the effects of your selected waste materials on both soil and water quality. Please explain specific effects, not just “they pollute the water/soil”.
  • Explain how your selected waste materials affect biological diversity in the environment (biodiversity is discussed in Chapter 15).
  • From the information in Chapter 16, discuss general methods available for the disposal of waste materials.
  • Determine the method of waste management you would recommend for the proper disposal of your selected waste materials, and explain why you chose these methods.
  • Discuss some challenges that our nation faces with managing our energy resources, and how these challenges have affected you personally.
  • Select two fossil fuels from Chapter 17. Describe the effects of your selected fossil fuels on both soil and water quality. Please explain specific effects, not just “they pollute the water/soil”.
  • Explain how your selected fossil fuels affect biological diversity in the environment. Again, see Chapter 15 for an explanation of biodiversity.
  • From your evaluation of fossil fuels, recommend at least two renewable energy resources that could replace your selected fossil fuels. These are described in Chapter 18.
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using each of these alternative energy resources. 
  • Describe the sustainability plan for Sparksville that you developed in Episode 4 of the Gamescape.
  • Identify two strengths and two weaknesses in this plan.
  • How can you address those weaknesses?
  • Conclusion

APA format is needed for your title slide and your citations and references. Transitions are needed to aid in the flow of information from one slide to the next.

Limit the main points on your slides to 3-5 words per point, and explain your points in your speaker’s notes.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit either Choice #1: the Worksheet and your Gamescape Results PDF, or Choice #2: your Presentation and your Gamescape Results PDF .