GEN 200 Entire Course

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GEN 200 Entire Course
GEN 200 Entire Course
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GEN 200 Week 1 Preparing for Academic Success

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Academic Success worksheet.

Submit your worksheet by clicking the Assignment Files tab above.

Academic Success


Answer each question below in at least 75 words per question, reflecting on your current abilities, and identify resources to strengthen your skills. Refer to the videos, readings, and other weekly assignments to help you compose your answers.


QuestionYour reflection
How would you define academic readiness? 
What concerns, if any, do you have with academic writing and reading? 
What two university resources will you use to strengthen your writing and reading skills (refer to your Student Life Worksheet)? 



What is your personal learning style (refer to the Ch. 1 Aplia homework)? 
What are two obstacles you might need to overcome (refer to your Life Factors and personality assessments)? 
What strategies can you use to overcome these obstacles and be successful? 
How does knowing your personal learning style help you be successful? 
Do you feel you are ready for the academic and financial commitment of attending college? 
How can goal setting and time management help you reach your goals? 



GEN 200 Week 1 Student Resources Worksheet

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Student Resources Worksheet.

Submit your worksheet by clicking the Assignment Files tab above.

Student Resources Worksheet


Resources provided by University of Phoenix can contribute to your academic, personal, and professional success. Support resources include a variety of helpful websites and tools that can assist you in completing assignments, connecting to other students, and searching for careers.




Complete the following Scavenger Hunt Matrix regarding student resources provided by the university. In the first column, list the steps used to locate each resource. In the second column, explain how each resource might contribute to your success.


 Scavenger Hunt Matrix


Student resourceList the specific steps you used to locate each resource.Explain how you can use each resource to support your academic, career, or personal success.
Course syllabus  
Academic policies  
Instructor policies  
University Academic Catalog  
University Library  
Center for Writing Excellence  
Student store  
University Marketplace  
Life Resource Center  
Phoenix Career Services  
Student workshops  
Technical Support phone number  



GEN 200 Week 1 Responsible Borrowing

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Responsible Borrowing Worksheet.

Submit your worksheet by clicking the Assignment Files tab above.

Responsible Borrowing Worksheet


Many students acquire federal student loans to pay for college. The goal of this assignment is to help you learn how to borrow responsibly, which may mean that you do not borrow at all or that you borrow only what you truly need. To borrow responsibly, you must understand your options and establish a financial plan for your entire program. With that plan in place, you can focus on your courses and make connections with instructors and other students.


Step 1


Watch the “Responsible Borrowing (Financial Aid)” video on the orientation website ( To Navigate to the video, click on Paying for School, then “Learn What They are” under Responsible Borrowing.


Respond to the following questions:


  • What is financial aid?
  • How do grants differ from loans?
  • What effect does class attendance have on funding availability?


Step 2


Navigate to the Your Student Loans category of the Financial Services PhoenixConnect Community. Explore the resources provided, as well as some of the discussions shared by community members. Pay special attention to the following posts, and use them to answer the follow-up questions.



Respond to the following questions:


  • What did you find about student loan repayment plans?
  • Why is having an educational financial plan important?

Step 3

Access the Financial Plan ( Enter your program, and respond to the questions. Explore the information about options for payment, reducing costs, and military students (if applicable). If you have already completed the plan as part of the enrollment process, you can use those results for this step.


  • Based on this plan, what is your estimated monthly payment when you enter repayment?
  • As a result of completing the plan, what changes can you make to reduce the amount you might borrow? Why?


GEN 200 Week 2 Thesis Statement and Informal Outline

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Thesis Statement and Informal Outline Worksheet.

Submit your assignment by clicking the Assignment Files tab above.

Thesis Statement and Informal Outline Worksheet


In this course, you will write a 1,050- to 1,400-word Continuing Academic Success essay, due in Week 5.This essay will help you will apply what you learned in this course and take responsibility for your success in your education and your career. Review the requirements for that assignment.


This week, using the Center for Writing Excellence resources, provide your thesis statement and begin creating the informal outline for your Continuing Academic Success essay assignment. Include the following in the outline this week:

  • The benefit of creating educational goals, including at least one educational goal you set for yourself
  • Your personal learning style, as well as how knowing your learning style can help you be successful as you move through your program and career
  • How the writing process can help you advance your education and career
  • Which resources, inside and outside of the university, you can use to help you reach your goals and make you more successful
  • An explanation of the importance of academic integrity


Thesis Statement


Informal Outline


  1. Topic 1

    1. Support
    2. Support

  2. Topic 2

    1. Support
    2. Support

  3. Topic 3

    1. Support
    2. Support


GEN 200 Week 3 Critical Thinking

Write a paper of at least 500 words describing  critical thinking. Include the following in your paper:

  • A definition of critical thinking
  • A description of the steps in the critical-thinking process
  • An explanation of how your emotions influence your decision making
  • An explanation of how critical thinking can apply to professional and societal responsibilities

Cite any sources you use.

Submit your paper by clicking the Assignment Files tab above.


GEN 200 Week 4 Using Sources

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Using Sources Worksheet using the three sources you located for the Continuing Academic Success paper.

Submit your paper by clicking the Assignment Files tab above.

Using Sources


Review the Continuing Academic Success assignment requirements from Week 5.

Conduct research in the University Library to find at least three sources that are relevant for your Week 5 essay.

Complete the following table for each source you have chosen. Include the original passage when you provide the summary, paraphrase, and quote.

Source 1

Title of the article 
Why did you choose this article? 
Is the article credible? How? 
Is the author biased? How do you know? 
Is the article relevant? How? 
Find a passage you might use and summarize it. 
Find a passage you might use and paraphrase it. 
Locate a direct quote that might fit into your paper. 
Formal APA citation (Try using the citation generator in the University Library for additional information. This formal citation is what you will use for your reference page in your Week 5 essay.) 

Source 2

Title of the article 
Why did you choose this article? 
Is the article credible? How? 
Is the author biased? How do you know? 
Is the article relevant? How? 
Find a passage you might use and summarize it. 
Find a passage you might use and paraphrase it. 
Locate a direct quote that might fit into your paper. 
Formal APA citation (Try using the citation generator in the University Library for additional information. This formal citation is what you will use for your reference page in your Week 5 essay.) 

Source 3

Title of the article 
Why did you choose this article? 
Is the article credible? How? 
Is the author biased? How do you know? 
Is the article relevant? How? 
Find a passage you might use and summarize it. 
Find a passage you might use and paraphrase it. 
Locate a direct quote that might fit into your paper. 
Formal APA citation (Try using the citation generator in the University Library for additional information. This formal citation is what you will use for your reference page in your Week 5 essay.) 



GEN 200 Week 5 Career Interests and Market Research

Refer to the Career Interest Assessment available through the ‘Careers’ tab on your student website.

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Careers Interests and Market Research Worksheet.

Submit your paper by clicking the Assignment Files tab above.

Career Interests and Market Research Worksheet


Complete the Career Interest Profiler activity on the Phoenix Career Services website. To access the interest profiler, click on Set Your Goals. Then, complete step 1.2. At the end of Step 1.2, Click Go to the Career Exploration tool to access the career interest profiler.

Select two careers you are interested in based on the results of the Career Interest Profiler.

Conduct labor market research on the two careers, and fill in the following table regarding the research you conducted.


 Career 1Career 2
What is the career?  
What interests you about this career?  
Is there a hiring demand?  
What are the educational requirements?  
What are the experience requirements?  
What are the skill requirements?  


Based on your research, which career path would you prefer to pursue? Why?


GEN 200 Week 5 Continuing Academic Success

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper sharing what you learned and how you will apply what you learned in this course to take responsibility for your success in your education and your career. The paper should include the following:

  • An introduction
  • A minimum of three properly cited and referenced sources from the University Library
  • A conclusion
  • A reference page

Include the following in your paper:

  • How setting goals can lead to success
  • At least one educational goal and one career goal
  • How the writing process can help you advance in your education and your career
  • The steps will you take to improve your critical-thinking skills
  • An example of how critical thinking can help you make better decisions
  • The university resources you will use to ensure academic success
  • The benefits and challenges of working with outside sources
  • Any other important lessons you learned in this course

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your paper by clicking the Assignment Files tab above.