GEN 201 Week 1 Your Student Journey: Tools and Strategies for Success

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GEN 201 Week 1 Your Student Journey: Tools and Strategies for Success
GEN 201 Week 1 Your Student Journey: Tools and Strategies for Success
  • Description

GEN 201 Week 1 Your Student Journey: Tools and Strategies for Success

First, complete the ACES Self-Assessment Inventory located in your Week 1 required Learning Activities.

Once you click on the ACES link you will be directed to the “inventory” or self-assessment of your habits, behaviors, attitudes, and stressors. This should take you between 15 to 20 minutes. Remember that this is for your personal use, so be sure to answer the items honestly.

When you are done, complete the worksheet, Your Student Journey: Tools and Strategies for Success. You will need your ACES Self-Assessment results to do so. The worksheet includes a self-reflection.

To assist you in completing the self-reflection, review the following Learning Activities:

  • Essential Resources, Tutorials and Guides for Student Success
  • “How to Challenge Uncertainty” video and tutorial
  • Connections, Ch. 1
  • ACES Inventory scores

Submit the completed Your Student Journey: Tools and Strategies for Success worksheet to the Assignment Files tab. For assistance on how to submit assignments, review the How To Submit an Assignment Tutorial.

Note: At the end of the GEN/201 University Success course, you will create an action plan applying what you have learned in Weeks 1-4.