HIS 301 Week 1 Influences on the Constitution

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HIS 301 Week 1 Influences on the Constitution
HIS 301 Week 1 Influences on the Constitution
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HIS 301 Week 1 Influences on the Constitution  

Complete the Influences on the Constitution worksheet.  Please make sure that you follow the directions and cite your sources of information.

Submit your assignment through the correct Assignment tab.

Influences on the Constitution

Complete the tables to identify and discuss the various influences on the development of the U.S. Constitution.

DocumentsWhat was it? What was its influence on the Constitution?

100-250 words each

Magna Carta  
Mayflower Compact  
Articles of Confederation  
Declaration of Independence  


PhilosophersWhy was he important?How did his writings influence the Constitution?

100-250 words each

Thomas Hobbes  
John Locke  


Political factionsWho were they?What were their beliefs about governmental structure and ratification of the Constitution?

100-250 words each
