HRM 326 Week 2 Quiz

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HRM 326 Week 2 Quiz
HRM 326 Week 2 Quiz
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HRM 326 Week 2 Quiz

Attached is 15 multiple choice questions and one short essay response.  Each multiple choice question is worth 3 points each and the short essay responses is worth 30 points each.   When responding to the essay questions, any direct quotes must be cited.  Answers in their entirety, a response copied and pasted from the source, such as your textbook, will not receive credit.  Direct quotes can be used, when properly cited, but should not be the entire answer.

  1. Onboarding is a term that means

  1. Taking on more responsibility
  2. Buying into the corporate culture of an organization
  3. You have been selected for the job
  4. None of the above.


  1. Training objectives provide value to

  1. the trainee.
  2. the training designer.
  3. the trainer and the training evaluator.
  4. both A & C.
  5. all of the above.


  1. Effective orientations are successful in

  1. reducing turnover.
  2. improving job performance.
  3. providing job skills training.
  4. both A & B.
  5. all of the above.



  1. Without _____, it is very difficult to evaluate training.

  1. personnel objectives
  2. performance appraisals
  3. organizational outcomes
  4. learning objectives


  1. The optimum length of an orientation

  1. is two to three days.
  2. is one day.
  3. is one day with follow up meetings.
  4. depends on the objectives of the orientation.



  1. In motivating trainees to learn, which of the following needs – existence, relatedness, or growth – should be the focus?

  1. Existence
  2. Relatedness
  3. Growth
  4. Both B & C
  5. All of the above


  1. Some of the issues an orientation should cover are

  1. your career path for the first 10 years.
  2. production expectations after one year in the job.
  3. policies and procedures the department has in place.
  4. both A & B.
  5. all of the above.



  1. What is missing from this learning objective. “The trainee will splice 6 sets of wires while at the top of a telephone pole wearing all safety gear.”

  1. Complete behavior.
  2. Nothing, it is a proper learning objective


  1. Which of the following is not an advantage of having an effective diverse workforce?

  1. Larger applicant pool
  2. Lower costs
  3. Access to more markets
  4. Creative problem solving
  5. They are all advantages


  1. The “quid pro quo” type of sexual harassment involves

  1. using profanity in front of the opposite sex.
  2. unwanted touching by another employee.
  3. an offer of some job perk by a supervisor in exchange for sexual favors
  4. both A & B.
  5. all of the above.


  1. To facilitate transfer, support from _________ should be incorporated into the training design.

  1. supervisors
  2. trainers
  3. both A & B
  4. all of the above




  1. An example of an internal strategy for improving the competency base of an organization is

  1. the learning organization.
  2. the competency organization.
  3. the proactive organization.
  4. the reactive organization.
  5. none of the above.


  1. In a learning organization, _____is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than the things that are related.

A.           personal mastery

B.           systems learning

C.           experimentation

  1. D) team learning



  1. Define learning organization and list three of the ten components discussed in the text.



  1. List two of the organizational/environmental constraints and three of the trainee population constraints to training and suggestions for how to handle each.