HS 225 Week 5 Jobs in Case Management

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HS 225 Week 5 Jobs in Case Management
HS 225 Week 5 Jobs in Case Management
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HS 225 Week 5 Jobs in Case Management

Use ZipRecruiter  or Indded.com to search for jobs in “case management.”

Find three to five job descriptions.

Write a 300- to 750-word summary, including the following:

  • The job duties listed in the job descriptions
  • If these job duties are similar to what you have learned in class through Week 4.
  • The city and state you searched
  • Some of the desired qualifications for the job
  • Some of the duties you will be required to complete as part of the job

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.