HST 275 Week 5 Week Five Knowledge Check

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HST 275 Week 5 Week Five Knowledge Check
HST 275 Week 5 Week Five Knowledge Check
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HST 275 Week 5 Week Five Knowledge Check

Complete the Week Five Knowledge Check


The split between the eastern and western churches was based upon

the “doctrine of papal primacy.”

the filioque clause of the Nicene Creed.

the iconoclastic controversy.

All of these answers are correct.


Islam can best be described as

a polytheistic nature religion with little ethical content.

a desert religion focused on Muhammad as the son of God.

an urban religion that first flourished in an agricultural oasis.

None of these answers are correct.


Mastery100%Questions·  3

·  4

·  5

·  6

·  7

Materials on the concept

  • Breakup of the Carolingian Kingdom
  • Feudal Society
  • The Reign of Justinian
  • The Setting
  • Early Islamic Conquests


Before 600 C.E., the Arab people were united primarily by

adherence to the same polytheistic faith.

a shared language and poetic idiom.

membership in the same centralized empire.

All of these answers are correct.


Who invaded Europe in the ninth and tenth centuries?

Vikings, Magyars and Muslims.

Visigoths, Huns and Vikings

Arabs, Goths and Magyars

All of these answers are correct.


Which of the following is not true about the relationship of the Byzantine Empire and Western Europe?

The Byzantines were a protective barrier for the West against Muslim attack.

The Byzantines were a source of classical knowledge to the West.

The Byzantines helped the Pope organize and lead Western Christianity.

The Byzantines provided the West with a model of a civilized society.


The major splits that occurred in Islam in the century after Muhammad’s death revolved around the issue(s) of

whether Muhammad was the last prophet or others would come in the future.

whether Mecca or Medina was the holiest city in Islam.

whether Christians and Jews should be allowed to practice their religions or be forced to convert.

what was the nature of the community of faith and who should lead it.


Invasions in the 800s and 900s

promoted the development of feudalism.

encouraged the growth of trade and commerce.

led to the re-emergence of strong, centralized kingdoms in Europe.

helped spread the Black Death.


Mastery100%Questions·  8

·  9

·  10

Materials on the concept

  • Reign of Charlemagne (768–814)
  • The Western Debt to Islam
  • Factors of Success


The primary contribution of the moldboard plow to western civilization was that it

improved agricultural productivity.

aided engineers in road construction.

contributed to the switch from infantry to cavalry based armies.

removed snow from Alpine passes, facilitating trade.


By 750 C.E., Islam had spread

to the Middle East, north Africa, and Spain.

to the Near East, north Africa, and Italy.

to the Far East, north Africa, and Spain.

to the Middle East, east Africa, and Italy.


Islamic influence on western culture during the Middle Ages included all of the following except



