LAW 421 Week 3 DISCUSSION QUESTION: Elements of a Tort

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LAW 421 Week 3 DISCUSSION QUESTION: Elements of a Tort
LAW 421 Week 3 DISCUSSION QUESTION: Elements of a Tort
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LAW 421 Week 3 DISCUSSION QUESTION: Elements of a Tort

Torts in Practice

Matt manages an adult baseball team and scheduled a practice in the evening.  It had rained most of the day and a sporadic drizzle fell during the practice.  After looking at the field, Matt decided to go ahead with the practice since he felt the team needed it before the playoffs.  During the practice, Paul, a player, while running for a fly ball, slid on a particularly wet part of the field and hit a wall surrounding the field, breaking several bones and causing internal injuries.  If you are on Learning Team A or B, for your first post to this Discussion Question, discuss the possible tort actions which Paul could file.  Be sure to list the legal elements of each such tort.If you are on Learning Team C or D, for your first post to this Discussion Question, discuss the defenses which Matt may have in regard to a tort action.  Be sure to indicate why the specific legal elements cannot be established.