MTH 209 All Participations

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MTH 209 All Participations
MTH 209 All Participations
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MTH 209


The Latest Version A+ Study Guide



MTH 209 All Participations Link



MTH 209 Week 1 participation Watch the Supplemental Week 1 Videos

Live Tutoring


Attend one or more of the following:

  • Live Labs
  • Live Math Tutoring

Links to the Live Labs and Live Math Tutoring are in your Week 1 Learning Activities.

Describe your experiences. What did you learn? What other available resources will help you do well in this course? How will you use them to be successful?



MTH 209 Week 1 participation Watch the Videos About How to Successfully Use MyMathLab®

Distribution & Polynomials

Do you always use the property of distribution when multiplying monomials and polynomials? Explain why or why not. In what situations would distribution become important?


MTH 209 Week 1 participation Read Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization, Ch. 5, Sections 5.2–5.4

Teaching Multiplication of Polynomials


How would you teach the multiplication of polynomials to a friend? Give an example and explain.


MTH 209 Week 1 participation Read Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization, Ch. 5, Section 5.6


MTH 209 Week 2 participation Watch the Supplemental Week 2 Videos

Greatest Common Factor


What is the greatest common factor? How do you know when you have found the greatest one?


MTH 209 Week 2 participation Read Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization, Ch. 6, Sections 6.1–6.4

Factoring Trinomials


How do you factor trinomials of the forms x2 + bx + c and ax2 + bx + c. Is there more than one way to factor these? Give an example and explain.



MTH 209 Week 2 participation Read Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization, Ch. 6, Section 6.6

Difference of Two Squares

How do you factor the difference of two squares? Give an example, showing each step. Does this make factoring easier or more complicated? Why?


MTH 209 Week 2 participation List of Perfect Power Numbers

Perfect Square Trinomial


How do you factor the perfect square trinomial? Give an example, showing each step. Does this make factoring easier or more complicated? Why?


MTH 209 Week 2 participation Attend the Polynomials and Factoring Live Lab

Factoring Equations vs Expressions

How does your strategy for factoring equations differ from factoring polynomial expressions?



MTH 209 Week 2 participation Live Math Tutoring

If you experience difficulties with a homework problemjoin a Live Math Tutoring session.

While you are in the session, familiarize yourself with the whiteboard environment and the tools used in the whiteboard.

Discuss any questions you may have with a tutor. Tutors can only help you with homework exercises. Tutors cannot help you with Quizzes or the Final Exam.

To access Live Math Tutoring, click the Interactive/Tutorial tab, then, click External Content Launch.




MTH 209 Week 3 participation Watch the Supplemental Week 3 Videos

Rational Expressions


What is a rational expression? What steps do you use to solve rational equations? Give an example and explain.


MTH 209 Week 3 participation Read Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization, Ch. 7, Sections 7.1–7.4

Rational Equations


Do all rational equations have a single solution? Why?


MTH 209 Week 3 participation Read Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization, Ch. 7, Sections 7.6–7.7



Give an application of how proportions can be used in everyday life?


MTH 209 Week 3 participation Read Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization, Ch. 8, Section 8.4

Direct and Inverse Variation


How are direct and inverse variation used in everyday life? Provide examples for each.


MTH 209 Week 3 participation List of Perfect Power Numbers

Domain and Range Differences


What are the differences between the domain and range of a function? How can you determine the domain and range of a function? 



MTH 209 Week 3 participation Attend the Rational Expressions Live Lab

Domain and Range of a Function


How is it helpful to know the domain and range of a function? What is a real-world example of domain and range? Explain.



MTH 209 Week 4 participation Watch the Supplemental Week 4 Videos



MTH 209 Week 4 participation Read Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization, Ch. 10, Sections 10.1–10.3



MTH 209 Week 4 participation Read Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization, Ch. 11, Sections 11.1–11.4

Solving Quadratic Equations


What is the strategy behind solving quadratic equations by completing the square? Why does it work?


MTH 209 Week 4 participation List of Perfect Power Numbers

Word Problems and Quadratic Equations


Write a word problem involving a quadratic function. How would you explain the steps in finding the solution to someone not in this class?


MTH 209 Week 4 participation Attend the Quadratic Equations Live Lab

Quadratic Formula


What is the quadratic formula? What is it used for? Provide a useful example that is not found in the text.


MTH 209 Week 5 participation Watch the Supplemental Week 5 Videos

Composite Functions


What is a composite function? Give an example. How are composite functions useful?


MTH 209 Week 5 participation Read Beginning and Intermediate Algebra With Applications and Visualization, Ch. 12, Sections 12.1-12.3


MTH 209 Week 5 participation List of Perfect Power Numbers

Exponential Functions


What is an example of an exponential function used in real-world applications? Show a math example how it is used. Describe why that application is important.



MTH 209 Week 5 participation Attend the Functions Live Lab

Exponential vs Logarithmic Functions


What is the relationship between exponential functions and logarithmic functions?


MTH 209 Week 5 participation Attend the Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Live Lab

Easiest and Hardest Concepts


What concept learned in this course was the easiest for you to grasp? Why do you think it was easy for you? Which was the hardest? What would have made it easier to learn?