MTH 213 Week 3 Lesson Plan Worksheet (2019 New)

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MTH 213 Week 3 Lesson Plan Worksheet (2019 New)
MTH 213 Week 3 Lesson Plan Worksheet (2019 New)
  • Description

MTH 213 Week 3 Lesson Plan Worksheet (2019 New)

Complete the Lesson Plan Worksheet by creating or modifying a classroom learning activity that covers a specific topic from Ch. 5 or 6 of A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers; for example, integer addition or division of rational numbers.


Submit your assignment and any additional materials that accompany your lesson plan.

Lesson Plan Worksheet

Use the following worksheet to complete the assignment.


  • Use of a manipulative
  • Detailed instructions on how to conduct the activity
  • Any student handouts or supplemental materials needed


Lesson ComponentDetails
Name of Lesson 
Grade Level Addressed 
State Mathematics Standard Addressed 
Lesson Objective

(what should students know and be able to do)

Materials Needed

(student and teacher materials)

Detailed Instructions

(what are the steps for the lesson)

Technology Component

(if any)
