MTH 216T Wk 3 – Midterm Exam

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MTH 216T Wk 3 - Midterm Exam
MTH 216T Wk 3 – Midterm Exam
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MTH 216T Wk 3 – Midterm Exam

Complete the midterm exam. You have one attempt at the exam. So, be sure you review all previous course materials before attempting the exam.

Question 1

Given a function described as equation y = 3x + 4, what is y when x is 1, 2, and 3?



7, 8, 9



3, 7, 11



3, 6, 9



7, 10, 13



Question 2


Given this equation for converting temperature from Celsius (c) to Fahrenheit (f): f = (9/5)c + 32




What is f when c is 30?















Question 3


What are m and b in the linear equation, using the common meanings of m and b?




1 + 4x + 6 – x = y



m is 3, b is 7



m is 4, b is 6



m is 7, b is 3



m is 6, b is 4



Question 4


The figure below shows costs for a current home mortgage versus a refinanced home mortgage. Refinancing has initial costs, but results in a lower monthly payment. Which best describes the lines?










The blue line is for refinancing, which starts cheaper but eventually is costlier



The blue line is for refinancing, which starts costlier but eventually is cheaper



The orange line is for refinancing, which starts cheaper but eventually is costlier



The orange line is for refinancing, which starts costlier but eventually is cheaper



Question 5


To draw a graph for y = 2x + 5, a person can draw a point at x of 0 and y of ___, a second point by going over 1 and up ___, and then draw a line through the points.



0, 5



2, 5



5, 2



2, 5



Question 6


A parking lot charges $2 per hour for the first 4 hours, then $3 per hour after that. Which equation(s) describes the total cost y as a function of the hours x?



y = 3x + 8



y = 2x + 12



y = 2x for x of 4 or less / y = 2x + 3x for x of 5 or more



y = 2x for x of 4 or less / y = 8 + 3(x – 4) for x of 5 or more



Question 7


Cells B1, C1, and D1 contain the values Seat1Row1, Seat1Row2, and Seat1Row3. If cells B1, C1, and D1 were selected, and autofill used to fill E1, F1, and G1, what would be the autofilled values?



Seat2Row3, Seat3Row3, Seat4Row3



Seat2Row4, Seat3Row5, Seat4Row6



Seat1Row4, Seat1Row5, Seat1Row6



Autofill cannot be used for these values



Question 8


If A2 is changed from 5 to 8, what value will appear in C3 if C3 contains the formula =A2*2?















Question 9


The formula in cell B1 is =A$2. Autofill is used by dragging B1’s autofill box across to C1, D1, and E1. What formulas will appear in C1, D1, and E1, respectively?



=A$2, =A$2, =A$2



=A$2, A$3, A$4



=B$2, C$2, D$2



=B$2, C$3, D$4



Question 10


Based on the line graph shown, how did Google’s stock price perform between September 2015 and December 2015?


The stock price did not change



The stock price decreased



The stock price increased



Not enough information to determine the stock price performance



Question 11


Based on the grouped bar chart below, in which year did the largest gap between men and women exist in the U.S. workforce?
















Question 12


For which of the following sets of data should a stacked bar chart be used?



The average height of men vs. the average height of women



The number of red cars vs. the number of red bicycles



The total number of movies watched categorized by science fiction vs. non-science fiction



The average age of surfers vs. the average age of scuba divers



Question 13


The total amount of time university students in the United States spend sleeping, grooming, eating and drinking, and traveling is about:



1 over 8 of the total time



1 fourth of the total time



1 half of the total time



3 over 4 of the total time



Question 14


For the given fact below, which subsequent true/false statement is true?




Fact: Mel received in A in Math.



Mel passed the math class.



Mel failed the math class.



Mel likes math.



Mel took math this semester.



Question 15


Indicate the most appropriate if-then statement that the English sentence represents:




People 25 years or older do not pay an additional car rental fee.



If a person is 25 years old or older, then the person does not pay an additional car rental fee.



If a person is 25 years old or younger, then the person does not pay an additional car rental fee.



If a person does not need to pay an additional car rental fee, then the person is 25 years old or older.






Question 16


Given: If X, then Y. If Y, then Z.


Y is true. So:



X is unknown, Z is unknown



X is unknown, Z is true



X is false, Z is true



X is true, Z is true



Question 17


Using everyday knowledge, which of the following statements is an if-then statement whose reverse is also correct?



If the TV is unplugged, then the TV will not turn on.



If the light bulb was recently on, then the light bulb is hot.



If an ambulance has emergency lights on, then cars on the road pull over.



If the wind is blowing, then the weather is chilly.



Question 18


Using everyday knowledge, indicate whether the if-then statements are correct forward-only or both forward and reverse.




Statement 1: If Bo is Mel’s sibling, then Mel is Bo’s sibling.


/ Statement 2: If the sprinklers are on, then the grass is wet.



Forward-only / Forward-only



Forward-only / Forward and reverse



Forward and reverse / Forward-only



Forward and reverse / Forward and reverse



Question 19


Given: If A AND B, then C. Given: The if-then statement’s reverse is also correct. Given A is false, B is false. What is C?









Both true and false






Question 20


What pages will be favored for the given search? Search terms: Michael OR Jordan



Pages about Michael Jordan



Pages about Michael, plus pages about OR, plus pages about Jordan



Pages about Michael, plus pages about Jordan



Pages about Michael, plus pages about Jordan, plus pages about both



Question 21


The rules for a soccer player receiving a yellow card are as follows:




IF a player




OR (dissents-by-word OR dissents-by-action)


OR ((enters OR re-enters OR leaves) AND NOT (had-permission))


OR ((corner-kick OR free-kick OR throw-in) AND fails-respect-distance)


OR commits-persistence-offences


THEN the player should receive a yellow card




A player leaves the field with permission. Later, the player re-enters the field without permission. The player:



Should receive a yellow card



Should not receive a yellow card



Should receive a yellow card only if the player also delays the restart



Should receive a yellow card only if committing all the other 4 offenses too



Question 22


What percentage of people partake in physical activity and abstain from smoking, but do not eat fruit and vegetables?
















Question 23


Given the true/false statements are true (facts), select the best logical induction made from those statements:




Mo likes oranges. Jai likes oranges. Ben likes oranges.



People don’t like apples



People only like oranges



People like oranges



People like fruit



Question 24


Given a function described as the table below, what is y when x is 2?















Question 25


Given a function described as the graph below, what is y when x is 3?
















Question 26


The figure below shows total costs for three gym memberships. Which is the most accurate statement?



Of the 3 memberships, Monthly is cheapest for under 5 months, while Standard is cheapest for over 10 months.



Platinum is costliest for any duration



Monthly is cheapest for any duration except for 5-10 months



Standard is cheapest for a duration between 5-10 months; other plans are cheaper for shorter or longer durations.



Question 27


The figure shows estimated medical costs versus what a user actually pays for three health insurance plans with different deductibles. For which plan does the user pay the least for estimated medical costs of $4,000?



$500 deductible plan



$1,000 deductible plan



$2,000 deductible plan



The user pays the same for all three plans.



Question 28


What is the value of cell C2?
















Question 29


What formula should be entered in A3 to compute A1 divided by C3?















Question 30


Based on the vertical bar chart below, in which of the following months were approximately 10% of professional European soccer players born?










