PHL 320 Week 1 Practice: Week 1 Knowledge Check

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PHL 320 Week 1 Practice: Week 1 Knowledge Check
PHL 320 Week 1 Practice: Week 1 Knowledge Check
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PHL 320 Week 1 Practice: Week 1 Knowledge Check

Complete the “Week 1 Knowledge Check” in Connect®.

Note: You have unlimited attempts available to complete this practice assignment. The highest scored attempt will be recorded. These assignments have earlier due dates, so plan accordingly. Grades must be transferred manually to eCampus by your instructor. Don’t worry, this might happen after your due date.


The more support the premise of an inductive argument provides for the conclusion, the stronger the argument.

True or False



A valid argument cannot have any false premises.

True or False





In order to be sound, an argument must be

Multiple Choice

valid and strong.

deductive and strong.

valid and have true premises.

inductive and have true conclusions.






The bandwagon effect is potentially a powerful source of cognitive distortion.

True or False



Whether a subjective claim is true or false is independent of whether people think it is true or false.

True or False



An unconscious tendency to align one’s thinking with that of other people is known as the

Multiple Choice

bandwagon effect.

availability heuristic.

confirmation bias.

belief bias.



Some opinions are not subjective, because their truth or falsity is independent of what people think.

True or False



Which of the following is an objective claim?

Multiple Choice

Sailing is the most soothing activity.

Yellow is the most pleasant color to look at.

Jason has great dressing sense.

Driving while drowsy is dangerous.



If we know that an argument is weak, then we know that the conclusion

Multiple Choice

is false.

is true.

may or may not be true.



Which of the following involves unconsciously assigning a probability to a type of event on the basis of how often one thinks of events of that type?

Multiple Choice

Factual claim

In-group bias

Availability heuristic

Obscure issue






Which of the following is a subjective claim?

Multiple Choice

Leno tells better jokes than Letterman.

Yellow is Jennifer’s favorite color.

Pit vipers can strike a warm-blooded animal even when it is pitch dark.

There is life on Mars.













“The Republicans’ proposal to cut taxes on capital gains (profits from selling real estate, stocks, and bonds) is not a sop for the wealthy. It is a way to stimulate investment and ultimately to create jobs. That’s why it is in everyone’s interest to support the proposal.”

Which of the following best states the primary issue discussed in the passage?

Multiple Choice

whether the proposal is a sop for the wealthy

whether the proposal is a way to stimulate investment and ultimately to create jobs

whether stimulating investment and creating jobs is a good thing

whether it is in everyone’s interest to support the proposal




“Tommy has great fashion sense” is an objective claim.

True or False




Which of the following involves unconsciously assigning a probability to a type of event on the basis of how often one thinks of events of that type?

Multiple Choice

Factual claim

In-group bias

Availability heuristic


Obscure issue






Which of the following is a subjective claim?

Multiple Choice

Staring at the sun will damage your eyes.

You shouldn’t buy that car because it is ugly.

On a baseball field, the center of the pitcher’s mound is 59 feet from home plate.

Pit vipers can strike a warm-blooded animal even when it is pitch dark.






Which of the following is true of cognitive biases?

Multiple Choice

They evaluate conclusions based on evidence.

They help process information accurately.

They interfere with one’s ability to think clearly.

They help people reason objectively.





All vice-presidents in the company drive a Mercedes. Since Eric is a vice-president, he must also drive a Mercedes.” This argument is best considered

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Multiple Choice












“Sheila’s clarinet is French. It’s a Leblanc, and all Leblanc instruments are made in France.”

This argument is best considered

Multiple Choice






“I think there should be a speed limit for the ‘spandex’ bicycle racers that feel the need to run those of us that don’t ride or walk as fast off the road and into the bushes in Bidwell Park. The park is for everyone’s pleasure and enjoyment, and more often than not it is spoiled by those few who feel they are superior to the rest of us. Approximately eight out of ten times when my family and I have ridden our bikes through the park at least one of us has just about been plowed over by one of those egotistical speeders.”—From a letter to the editor

Which of the following best states the primary issue discussed in the passage?

Multiple Choice

whether there should be a speed limit for bicycle racers

whether bicycle racers are egotistical

whether the park is for everyone’s pleasure

whether outings to the park are frequently spoiled by bicycle racers





“Sheila’s clarinet is French. It’s a Leblanc, and all Leblanc instruments are made in France.”

This argument is best considered

Multiple Choice







The inclination that people may have to assume that their attitudes and those held by people around them are shared by society at large is known as

Multiple Choice

the fundamental attribution error.

the false consensus effect.

negativity bias.

confirmation bias.





In an inductive argument, the premise demonstrates or proves the conclusion.

True or False






The tendency to not appreciate that others’ behavior is as much constrained by events and circumstances as our own would be if we were in their position is known as the

Multiple Choice

false consensus effect.

fundamental attribution error.

bandwagon effect.

overconfidence effect.





“Jose is taller than Bill, and Bill is taller than Margaret. Therefore, Jose is taller than Margaret.” This argument is best considered

Multiple Choice









If we know that an argument is weak, then we know that the conclusion

Multiple Choice

is false.

is true.

may or may not be true.





Which of the following involves unconsciously assigning a probability to a type of event on the basis of how often one thinks of events of that type?

Multiple Choice

Factual claim

In-group bias

Availability heuristic

Obscure issue