POL 115 All Discussions

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POL 115 All Discussions
POL 115 All Discussions
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POL 115 All Discussions

The Latest Version A+ Study Guide



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POL 115 Wk 1 Discussion – Core American Revolution Principles

Week 1 Objectives: In Week 1, we are learning about the philosophical background of the US Constitution and how the American system of government was designed as a federal republic based on the principles of representative democracy. Prior to the start of the American Revolution, the American revolutionaries agreed on some core principles that necessitated the independence of the colonies from the British Monarchy.



For participation credit, you are required to contribute a total of three substantive discussion messages during the online week (Tuesday – Monday). These consist of two elements:

  1. Your formal response to one of the discussion topics (due Thursday); and,
  2. Your two subsequent replies to your classmates or your faculty member (due Monday).


The formal response due Thursday should strive to meet the following criteria:

  • Meet a minimum of 175 words
  • Addresses questions under one of the discussion topics;
  • Stays on topic and addresses the weekly course objectives;
  • Integrates theory, research, and/or personal observations;
  • Includes specific examples and/or substantiating evidence;
  • Includes in-text citations and references in APA format; and,
  • Demonstrates proper spelling and grammar.
  • Do not use Wikipedia, Quora, Yahoo Questions or other crowdsourced websites as references.


Your reply posts due Monday should be substantive in nature and be a minimum of 150 words, reflecting the qualities of REAL engagement.

  • Relevant comments are on topic and reflect course concepts and objectives.
  • Experiential in nature, reflecting real life observations, reflections and examples.
  • Ask questions of fellow classmates or instructors.
  • Link to course readings and apply these lessons to work, personal and/or educational life.


DUE BY THURSDAY: Respond to one of the following topic options in a minimum of 175 words:


Topic One: American Principles: Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and then consider:

  • List at least four core principles of the American Revolution. How do these core principles apply in our modern federal republic?
  • What is federalism and how is a republic different from direct democracy? What is the purpose of a federal republic?


Topic Two: Influences on the US Constitution: Three primary documents that were influences on the U.S. Constitution are: the Magna Carta, the Mayflower Compact, and the Articles of Confederation. The primary philosophical thinkers who were influences on the U.S. Constitution are: Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Charles Louis Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. After reviewing the readings on this topic in the Week 1 Learning Activities Folder, consider the following:

  • What aspects of these documents and philosophical positions do you see represented in the U.S. Constitution?
  • How did these documents and philosophical positions influence the authors of the U.S. Constitution to divide political power and choose officers, in order to limit government power?
  • What was left out?
  • How is U.S. Constitution different from these early governing documents?
  • If you were using these early governing documents and philosophical positions as guidance to create a Constitution, do you agree or disagree with what was included? And why?


Topic Three: Federalists v. Anti-Federalists Debate: After the Constitutional Convention of 1787 had ended and the proposed Constitution had been submitted to the American people for ratification, public debates raged between those who supported the Constitution (the Federalists) and those who opposed it (the Anti-Federalists). One of the central issues in the debates was whether it would be possible to unite the 13 states into one great nation, under one federal government, in such a way that the individual states and their respective governments would not be eliminated – and with them, the means of securing the liberties of the citizens of America. After reviewing the readings on this topic in the Week 1 Learning Activities folder, consider the following:

  • What did each group believe that influenced the U.S. Constitution?
  • Which group promoted federalism as a system of government and why?
  • Which group promoted individual civil liberties and why?
  • Which viewpoint do you think is more important as it affects our lives today?



  • Reply to your instructor and your classmates with at least two more substantive messages.
  • Address different discussion topics/questions in your reply posts than the topic of your initial post.
  • Be constructive and professional in your responses.



POL 115 Wk 2 Discussion – 3 Government Branches

Week 2 Objectives

Last week, we learned about the philosophical principles that influenced the founding fathers and the drafting of the U.S. Constitution. This week we will dig deeper into the roles and responsibilities of the president and Congress and how they are affected by the separation of powers and checks and balances.



For participation credit, you are required to contribute a total of three substantive discussion messages during the online week (Tuesday – Monday). These consist of two elements:

  1. Your formal response to one the discussion topics (due Thursday); and,
  2. Your two subsequent replies to your classmates or faculty member (due Monday).


The formal response due Thursday should strive to meet the following criteria:

  • Meet a minimum of 175 words
  • Addresses questions under one of the discussion topics;
  • Stays on topic and addresses the weekly course objectives;
  • Integrates theory, research, and/or personal observations;
  • Includes specific examples and/or substantiating evidence;
  • Includes in-text citations and references in APA format; and,
  • Demonstrates proper spelling and grammar.
  • Do not use Wikipedia, Quora, Yahoo Questions or other crowdsourced websites as references.


Your reply posts due Monday should be substantive in nature and be a minimum of 150 words, reflecting the qualities of REAL engagement.

  • Relevant comments are on topic and reflect course concepts and objectives.
  • Experiential in nature, reflecting real life observations, reflections and examples.
  • Ask questions of fellow classmates or instructors.
  • Link to course readings and apply these lessons to work, personal and/or educational life.


 DUE BY THURSDAY: Respond to one of the following topic options in a minimum of 175 words:


Topic One: Separation of Powers: Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and then consider how the founding fathers divided our system of government into three distinct branches.

  • What are these branches and how did the founding fathers justify each branch of government as necessary for a healthy republic?
  • What is the purpose of separation of powers?
  • Do you think that the founding fathers reflected on the notion of partisan gridlock as they explored the checks and balances built into the three branches?
  • How does this relate to rules and norms that are designed to safeguard the minority-in-size/less popular opinion from the will of the majority?


Topic Two:  Powers of Congress: Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and then consider:

  • What are the roles and responsibilities of Congress?
  • What are the checks and balances on this branch?
  • Why did the framers of the Constitution provide the legislative branch with so much power?
  • How is the Congress different from the president or the courts?
  • The framers of the Constitution designed the Senate to filter the output of the sometimes hasty House. Do you think this was a wise idea? Why or why not?


Topic Three: Powers of the Presidency: Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and then consider:

  • What are the roles and responsibilities of the presidency?
  • What are the checks and balances on this office?
  • The framers of the Constitution intended that the president share power with the other branches of the government. Is that true today?
  • Does the president have more power today than the framers intended? Why or why not?



  • Reply to your instructor and your classmates with at least two more substantive messages.
  • Address different discussion topics/questions in your reply posts than the topic of your initial post.
  • Be constructive and professional in your responses.





POL 115 Wk 3 Discussion – The Federal Judiciary and Civil Liberties

Week 3 Objectives

In week 3, we are learning about the Supreme Court of the United States and how it serves as the court of last resort regarding the laws set forth in the U.S. Constitution. Additionally, it ensures the balance of power for other branches of government and rules on the constitutionality of laws and other court rulings. Given this position, the Supreme Court is often called upon to make decisions on cases that can impact U.S. society and law. In particular, the Supreme Court greatly influences how the Bill of Rights that protects our civil liberties is interpreted, and how the 14th Amendment (that created our civil rights) is interpreted.



For participation credit, you are required to contribute a total of three substantive discussion messages during the online week (Tuesday – Monday). These consist of two elements:

  1. Your formal response to the discussion prompt (due Thursday); and,
  2. Your two subsequent replies to your classmates or faculty member (due Monday).


The formal response due Thursday should strive to meet the following criteria:

  • Meet a minimum of 175 words
  • Addresses questions under one of the discussion topics;
  • Stays on topic and addresses the weekly course objectives;
  • Integrates theory, research, and/or personal observations;
  • Includes specific examples and/or substantiating evidence;
  • Includes in-text citations and references in APA format; and,
  • Demonstrates proper spelling and grammar.
  • Do not use Wikipedia, Quora, Yahoo Questions or other crowdsourced websites as references.


Your reply posts due Monday should be substantive in nature and be a minimum of 150 words, reflecting the qualities of REAL engagement.

  • Relevant comments are on topic and reflect course concepts and objectives.
  • Experiential in nature, reflecting real life observations, reflections and examples.
  • Ask questions of fellow classmates or instructors.
  • Link to course readings and apply these lessons to work, personal and/or educational life.


DUE BY THURSDAY: Respond to one of the following topic options in a minimum of 175 words:


Topic One: The Powers of the Court: Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and play the interactive game, and then consider:

  • Explain the role the judiciary plays in the checks and balances of government. What are the requirements to be appointed to the Supreme Court?
  • Can the courts change a law and should judges make decisions that shape public policy?
  • How does this group of unelected officials affect the separation of powers?
  • Some people have argued that the Supreme Court is the most powerful branch of government. Do you agree or disagree?


Support your answer with:

  • Examples of Supreme Court decisions
  • The federal judiciary requirements specified in the U.S. Constitution


Topic Two: Civil Rights & the Court: Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and play the interactive game, and then consider:

  • How has the expansive view taken by the Supreme Court helped to curb government actions that might interfere with constitutional rights?
  • Do you think that this makes the courts too powerful?Why or why not?
  • What is an example of where the courts took an expansive view of our constitutional protections to overturn a state law or protect a person’s individual rights?
  • Do you agree with the court’s decision? Why or why not?
  • What did you learn from the iCivics interactive game found in the Learning Activities folder on how the Supreme Court makes a First Amendment ruling?


Topic Three: Civil Rights & Civil Liberties: Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and play the interactive game, and then consider:

  • How are civil rights different from civil liberties?
  • How might the United States be different today if the Fourteenth Amendment had not been ratified and added to the Constitution?
  • What did you learn about civil rights and civil liberties from the iCivics interactive game found in the Learning Activities folder on running your own law firm?


Topic Four: The Bill of Rights: Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and play the interactive game, and then consider how the framers of the Constitution were originally reluctant to include protections of civil liberties.

  • Do you think this would be the case if the Constitution were written today? Why or why not?
  • Which rights and freedoms for citizens do you think our government does a good job of protecting? Why?
  • In which areas do you think people’s rights and liberties are at risk of government intrusion? Why? Which solutions would you propose?



  • Reply to your instructor and your classmates with at least two more substantive messages.
  • Address different discussion topics/questions in your reply posts than the topic of your initial post.
  • Be constructive and professional in your responses.




POL 115 Wk 4 Discussion – Public Policy Types

Week 4 Objectives

Whether you realize it or not, we are all impacted by public policy and how the work and politics of the federal bureaucracy affects our lives. This week we will investigate how these policies are established as well as how they can impact your life.



For full participation credit, you are required to contribute a total of three substantive discussion messages during the online week (Tuesday – Monday). These consist of two elements:

  1. Your formal response to one of the discussion topics (due Thursday); and,
  2. Your two subsequent replies to your classmates or faculty member (due Monday).


The formal response due Thursday should strive to meet the following criteria:

  • Meet a minimum of 175 words
  • Addresses questions under one of the discussion topics;
  • Stays on topic and addresses the weekly course objectives;
  • Integrates theory, research, and/or personal observations;
  • Includes specific examples and/or substantiating evidence;
  • Includes in-text citations and references in APA format; and,
  • Demonstrates proper spelling and grammar.
  • Do not use Wikipedia, Quora, Yahoo Questions or other crowdsourced websites as references.


Your reply posts due Monday should be substantive in nature and be a minimum of 150 words, reflecting the qualities of REAL engagement.

  • Relevant comments are on topic and reflect course concepts and objectives.
  • Experiential in nature, reflecting real life observations, reflections and examples.
  • Ask questions of fellow classmates or instructors.
  • Link to course readings and apply these lessons to work, personal and/or educational life.


DUE BY THURSDAY: Respond to one of the following topic options in a minimum of 175 words:


Topic One: Public Policy: Use the A–Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies page on the USA.gov website to identify a department of the federal government that has the most significant impact on you personally or professionally; and, review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and then consider:


  • What type of public policy is this agency responsible for?
  • What are 2 examples of policies implemented by the agency you selected that has an impact on your daily work or personal life.
  • Consider how these policies were developed, how did the separation of powers play a part in the establishment or implementation of these policies?


Topic Two: Agenda Setting: The public, the media, and interest groups are all involved in setting the government’s agenda, i.e. each influence what the government pays attention to and thus the laws passed by Congress. Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and then consider:


  • What role do interest groups play in influencing lawmakers in Congress and in the development of government policies?
  • What role does public opinion play in influencing lawmakers in Congress and in the development of government policies?
  • What are the influences on public opinion?
  • What role does the media play in influencing lawmakers in Congress and in the development of government policies?
  • Is public opinion generally clear, providing broad signals to elected leaders about what needs to be done? Why or why not?



  • Reply to your instructor and your classmates with at least two more substantive messages.
  • Address different discussion topics/questions in your reply posts than the topic of your initial post.
  • Be constructive and professional in your responses.




POL 115 Wk 5 Discussion – The Electoral College

Week 5 Objectives

In this final week of class, we are learning about political parties, voting, and elections in the United States. Some of the more controversial aspect of the American system of elections are the Electoral College and the dominance of the two major political parties.



For participation credit, you are required to contribute a total of three substantive discussion messages during the online week (Tuesday – Monday). These consist of two elements:

  1. Your formal response to one of the discussion topics (due Thursday); and,
  2. Your two subsequent replies to your classmates or faculty member (due Monday).


The formal response due Thursday should strive to meet the following criteria:

  • Meet a minimum of 175 words
  • Addresses questions under one of the discussion topics;
  • Stays on topic and addresses the weekly course objectives;
  • Integrates theory, research, and/or personal observations;
  • Includes specific examples and/or substantiating evidence;
  • Includes in-text citations and references in APA format; and,
  • Demonstrates proper spelling and grammar.
  • Do not use Wikipedia, Quora, Yahoo Questions or other crowdsourced websites as references.


Your reply posts due Monday should be substantive in nature and be a minimum of 150 words, reflecting the qualities of REAL engagement.

  • Relevant comments are on topic and reflect course concepts and objectives.
  • Experiential in nature, reflecting real life observations, reflections and examples.
  • Ask questions of fellow classmates or instructors.
  • Link to course readings and apply these lessons to work, personal and/or educational life.


DUE BY THURSDAY: Respond to one of the following topic options in a minimum of 175 words:


Topic One: Electoral College: Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and then consider:


  • What is the Electoral College?
  • What was the Founding Fathers’ original purpose for the Electoral College?
  • How does the Electoral College shape campaign activities?
  • Does it still serve as a protection for small states, or is it used as a way to control the political process with less than a majority of the votes?
  • How has the purpose or role of the electoral college changed from its origination to today? Provide at least 1 specific example to support your position.


Defend your position with facts.


Topic Two: Political Party System: Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and then describe the political party system.


  • Do you believe there should only be two main parties?
  • What are benefits and the disadvantages of the political party system?
  • Should the United States consider changing the 2-party (i.e., Democratic and Republican) political system? Use information you have learned in this course to support your answer.


Use information you have learned in this course to support your position.


Topic Three: Citizen Engagement: Review the readings/videos in the Learning Activities folder and play the interactive game, and then consider how a democracy is a government by the people.

  • Is citizen engagement necessary for a democracy to function? Why or why not?
  • Are all Americans equally able to become engaged in government?
  • What factors make it more possible for some people to become engaged than others? What could be done to change this?
  • If you chose to run for federal public office, which office would you want to run for? Why?
  • What are the responsibilities of that public office? What are the checks and balances on that branch of government?
  • How does that public office contribute to the function of the U.S. government?



  • Reply to your instructor and your classmates with at least two more substantive messages.
  • Address different discussion topics/questions in your reply posts than the topic of your initial post.
  • Be constructive and professional in your responses.