PSY 110 Week 2 Learning Style Reflection

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PSY 110 Week 2 Learning Style Reflection
PSY 110 Week 2 Learning Style Reflection
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PSY 110 Week 2 Learning Style Reflection

This assignment will allow you to reflect on the information you learned in the section “Discovering Your Learning Styles” in Ch. 1 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning.

Discover more about your Learning Style by completing this week’s recommended Connect Activities.

Select and complete one of the following assignment options. If you have a read/write learning style, consider the worksheet reflection. If you have a visual/graphic learning style, consider the presentation option. If you have an auditory/verbal style, be sure to include some audio, either in the notes or in the body of the slides.

Option 1: Worksheet

Download the Week 2 Worksheet from the options on the right. Address each question in every section. Make sure to proofread for grammar and spelling. The goal is to relate the course content to your real-world experiences. Make sure to include a title page.

Use the Title Page template to include a title page in your worksheet. This should all be one document.

Option 2: Presentation

Design an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®. There should be no more than 6 bullet points per slide, with about 6 words per bullet point. That means that the majority of the information in your slideshow will be in the notes section below each slide. In the notes section of each slide, you should thoroughly explain the information on the slide. The notes sections must be used in this assignment.

The slideshow should be a reflection on your learning style. Here are some guidelines to follow when putting together your assignment.

 Title slide: Include the title, your name, and date

Slides 1 & 2: What learning style are you? What factors led you to that decision?

Slides 2 & 3: How are learning styles associated with successful adult learning? What are some things that impact motivation to learn in both academic and professional settings?

Slides 4 & 5: Knowing your learning style, what can you do to ensure academic success? For example, what can you do with your learning style to take better notes or prepare for tests?

Slides 6 & 7: How can understanding of growth and fixed mindsets impact your learning?

Slides 7 & 8: How can understanding the field of psychology help you with your behavior and mental processes?

Slides 9 & 10: Conclusion

Note: For help withPowerPoint®”, refer to “How to Create a PowerPoint®” located in Materials for this assignment (on the right side of the classroom in the assignment view).

In the meantime, here are some tips:

  • Organize the slides with bullet points and use the notes sections for comments that should accompany/explain each slide.

  • Keep in mind that when you are putting together a presentation, your slides should follow the 6:6 rule – there should be no more than 6 bullet points per slide, with about 6 words per bullet point. That means that the majority of the information in your slideshow will be in the notes section.

  • It is important to remember that the slideshow is clear and logically organized; whether the notes section is used effectively; incorporates effective design elements (font headings, spacing, color); whether the slideshow is functional (including working audio clips, visual components and links) and whether grammar, usage, spelling and punctuation follow standard American English.

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.