PSY 110 Week 4 Homework

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PSY 110 Week 4 Homework
PSY 110 Week 4 Homework
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PSY 110 Week 4 Homework

The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply what you learned through the activities and chapter readings. Reflect on the results from the different activities you completed this week and on how to improve your academic and life skills.

Complete the Week 4 Homework in McGraw-Hill Connect® Week 4 Activities and Assignments folder.

Note: Click on the Practice/Simulation/Homework tab and then click External Content Launch to access McGraw-Hill Connect®.

Note: You have two attempts available to complete the assignment. The highest scored attempt will be recorded. Grades must be transferred manually to the gradebook by your instructor. Don’t worry, this might happen after your due date.


Select all that apply. When you have low self-esteem, you are more likely to:

Check All That Apply

  • Fail to determine goals and/or map out specific steps needed to achieve the goals.Fail to determine goals and/or map out specific steps needed to achieve the goals.
  • Avoid and delay making decisions and second-guess your decisions.Avoid and delay making decisions and second-guess your decisions.
  • Find constructive take-aways from failure.Find constructive take-aways from failure.
  • Beat yourself up for not meeting some higher standard.




Which of the following best defines self-image?

Multiple Choice

How others perceive you

How much you value yourself and respect your self-image

How you view yourself, your abilities, and accomplishments

How much you are willing to do something for yourself




Which of the following best defines self-esteem?

Multiple Choice

How much you value yourself and respect your self-image

How much you are willing to do something for yourself

How you view yourself, your abilities, and accomplishments

How others perceive you




Working on achieving a higher self-esteem can translate into

Multiple Choice

having the internal confidence needed to persevere and overcome academic challenges.

responding to negative people or influences with caution.

a higher sense of failure in academic achievements.

lacking the internal confidence needed to persevere and overcome academic challenges.





People with low self-esteem

Multiple Choice

find constructive take-aways from failure.

feel empowered and in control of your future.

make informed decisions and accept the consequences of taking risks.

avoid and delay making decisions and second-guess their decisions.





People with high self-esteem

Multiple Choice

dwell on negative outcomes.

simply give up without even trying.

feel empowered and in control of their future.

avoid and delay making decisions and second-guess their decisions.