PSY 110 Week 5 Vision Board Worksheet

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PSY 110 Week 5 Vision Board Worksheet
PSY 110 Week 5 Vision Board Worksheet
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PSY 110 Week 5 Vision Board Worksheet

The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply what you learned in this week’s activities and readings. Reflect on the results from the activities you completed this week and on how to improve your academic and life skills.

Complete the Vision Board Worksheet.

Submit your assignment.

Vision Board Worksheet

Part 1

For this portion of the assignment, you will be creating a vision board. A vision board is a collage of images, pictures and affirmations of one’s dreams, desires, and goals designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation. A visionboard uses the law of attraction to attain yourgoals.

Complete the following steps to create your vision board:

  1. Write down your goals and priorities for the next 4 years.
  2. Create a large poster for your vision board, and divide it into nine sections.
  3. Label each section as follows: Prosperity, Aspiration, Time Management, Family, Motivators, Goals, Skills/Knowledge, Career/Life Path, Helpful People. Each of these sections represent a factor related to your ability to achieve your vision.


  1. Write your goals and ideas onto theposter in their associated sections. For example, a possible goal that would land in the Career/Life Path section could be, Land My Dream Job. For each goal, thinkabout and write down how the other sections of the vision board are related to your path to reaching that goal. Consider why you are motivated to achieve thegoal, what skills and knowledge you will need to achieve the goal, how much time you will need to reach the goal, and who might be able to help you achieve the goal.
  2. Find words and images that represent your goals in magazines, online, or in newspapers.
  3. Print or cut out your words and images, and sort them based on which section of your vision board they belong.
  4. Edit and place your words and images on your vision board.
  5. Add any of your own words or drawings that you think add value to eachsection that you did not find in Step 4.
  6. Display your vision board in a place whereyou can see it each day.

Take a picture of your completed vision board tosubmit with this worksheet.


(Note: Students can create an electronic version of their Vision Board using Microsoft® Word, PowerPoint® or similar software.  However, they must follow the same instructions detailed above)

Part 2

Respond to each of the following questions:

  1. Write 75 to 90 words describing three or four words or pictures you included on your vision board. Why did you select each of these items?

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  1. Write 75 to 90 words about the steps you can now take to achieve the goals on your vision board.List the intrinsic and extrinsic factors motivating you to achieve what is represented on your vison board. Remember intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from inside, while extrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from the outside. Both of these types of motivation are described on p. 271 in Ch. 7 of Psychology of Success.

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  1. Write 50 to 75 words about what motivates you in your academic life. Are these motivators different from what motivates you in your personal life? Why or why not?

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