PSY 201 Week 3 Knowledge Check

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PSY 201 Week 3 Knowledge Check
PSY 201 Week 3 Knowledge Check
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PSY 201 Week 3 Knowledge Check

Complete the Week 3 Knowledge Check.



Which of these is the best example of classical conditioning?

Natalia learns to figure skate.

Eliana’s cat salivates whenever it hears the electric can opener.

Andrea remembers her first kiss.

Helen copies her mom’s lipstick use.


Which of these is the best example of operant conditioning?

Watching another monkey eat a peanut.

Salivating when food is in your mouth.

Putting change in a vending machine to get a drink.

Sneezing when your nose is tickled.


Which of these is the best example of observational learning?

A baby learning to crawl.

Blinking when a puff of air hits your eye.

Hearing the same story again.

Seeing how to unlatch the door and doing it.


Which type of learning occurs when a young monkey grows sleepy when it sees the sun set?

Classical conditioning

Operant conditioning

Observational learning

Cognitive learning


Which of these is the best example of reinforcement?

Getting an “F” on a test after studying well.

Having an outcome of any kind follow an action.

Being told the same lesson again.

Getting an “A” on a test after studying well.


Which of the following is the best example of classical conditioning?

Emmet enjoys riding his new skateboard.

Jonah trembles whenever he hears thunder.

Jill tries to kiss like she saw in a movie.

Laurent goes camping after enjoying his last trip.


Which of the following is the best example of operant conditioning?

Seeing someone sneeze and copying him or her

Blushing when embarrassed

Giving a compliment and receiving a smile

Recalling a joke

Learning to predict when food is served


Which of the following is the best example of observational learning?

When Mary falls, Paul laughs.

Seeing a pond, Petey throws a rock into it.

After seeing Mom and Dad argue, Jennifer does the same to get her way.

After Dad loses his job, Sam cuts back on his spending.


Which of these is not an example of learning?

Feeling startled when a horn blows.

Knowing how to ride a bike.

Copying a tutor’s actions.

Salivating after a description of a meal.


In Watson’s demonstration with Little Albert and the white rat, Albert showed ______.

classical conditioning

operational conditioning

observational learning

cognitive learning