RDG 416 Week 5 Team: Case Studies of Struggling Readers

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RDG 416 Week 5 Team: Case Studies of Struggling Readers
RDG 416 Week 5 Team: Case Studies of Struggling Readers
  • Description

RDG 416 Week 5 Team: Case Studies of Struggling Readers

Read the Case Studies of Struggling Readers.

Select 2 case studies on which to focus.

Complete the Intervention Worksheet for both of your selected case study students.

Submit your assignment.

Intervention Worksheet

Student Name

Insert name of student here.

Specific Problem(s)

Insert specific problem(s) being addressed here.

Intervention Strategies

Insert at least two interventions, including descriptions, here.

Assessment Tools

Insert at least two assessment tools used to measure the student’s progress during the intervention period here.

Next Steps

Insert at least two possible next steps to take if the student does not make adequate progress with interventions.

Communication Plan

Insert at least two ideas for keeping parents/families informed of student progress during the intervention period.