SCI 241 Week 4 WileyPLUS® Week 3 & 4 Quiz

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SCI 241 Week 4 WileyPLUS® Week 3 & 4 Quiz
SCI 241 Week 4 WileyPLUS® Week 3 & 4 Quiz
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SCI 241 Week 4 WileyPLUS® Week 3 & 4 Quiz

Question 1

Your answer is correct.

Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?










Question 2

Your answer is correct.

The digestion of starch begins in the ________ and finishes in the ______.

stomach; large intestine


mouth; small intestine


small intestine; gall bladder


mouth; large intestine




Question 3

Your answer is correct.

The main function of carbohydrate in the diet is to:

form lactose, the disaccharide in breast milk.


form the ribose and deoxyribose sugars in the genetic material of all cells.


function in the cell membrane as a signal molecule to other cells.


provide energy.



Question 4

Your answer is correct.

Which monosaccharide commonly found in all disaccharides?










Question 5

Your answer is correct.

Most digestion of carbohydrate occurs in the





small intestine


large intestine



Question 6

Your answer is correct.

Which of the following best describes the effects of lactose intolerance on those who consume dairy products?

the undigested lactose passes into the large intestine, where it causes a severe allergic response causing intestinal bleeding and scarring


the undigested lactose passes into the large intestine, where it draws in water, is metabolized by bacteria, producing gas and causing abdominal distension, gas, cramping, and diarrhea


the undigested lactose passes into the small intestine, where it causes a severe traumatic response causing collapse and stoppage of the organ


all of these occur in lactose intolerance




Question 7

Your answer is correct.

Which of the following best describes the effect of a fiber-rich meal on the rise in blood glucose that occurs after a meal?

The rise in blood glucose will occur more quickly


There will be no effect on the rise in blood glucose


The rise in blood glucose will be delayed


None of these choices




Question 8


When comparing naturally occurring sugars and refined sugars in the human diet, refined sugars are potentially detrimental to human health because:


Refined sugars frequently cause food allergies.


Refined sugars contain very few calories.


Refined sugars contain large doses of heavy metals.


Refined sugars are low in nutrient density.




Question 9

Your answer is correct.

Eating fat can increase the number of calories you consume because

Fat makes you eat more food


Fat contains 7 calories per gram while carbs and protein are only 4 calories per gram


Fat does not increase the number of calories


Fat contains 9 calories per gram while carbohydrate and protein are only 4 calories per gram




Question 10

Your answer is correct.


can be converted to vitamin D.


can be found in all foods.


contains glycerol and 3 fatty acids.


acts as an emulsifier.




Question 11

Your answer is correct.

Protein containing particles that transport lipids in the blood are called:











Question 12

Your answer is correct.

Which statement is correct:

The total grams of fat in the American diet has stayed relatively constant over the past 40 years.


The total grams of fat in the American diet has decreased over the past 40 years.


The total grams of fat in the American diet has increased over the past 40 years.


The total Calories from fat consumed in the American diet has decreased over the past 40 years.




Question 13

Your answer is correct.

Lipid stored in fat cells (adipose tissue) provides many benefits including

an increase in the metabolic rate of an individual


protection of organs and insulation for maintaining body temperature


movement of cell components for additional storage of protein


protection of red blood cells




Question 14

Your answer is correct.

Which of the following statements is false about omega-3 fatty acids?

Fish is a good food source.


High amounts in the diet help to lower blood pressure.


High amounts in the diet increase inflammation.


Walnuts, canola oil, and flaxseed are good food sources.




Question 15

Your answer is correct.

Based on the type of fat found in the following foods, which would be the healthiest choice for lunch from the fruit group?

Apple fritter


Fried banana fruit kebab


Cherry pie with low-fat vanilla ice cream


Avocado slices, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar





Question 16

Your answer is correct.

Which of the following individuals is likely using body protein for energy?

Sue, who is on a very low calorie diet.


Bob, who is 20 pounds overweight.


Michael, a student who snacks on chips and soda to stay awake and study.


Sylvia, a pregnant woman.




Question 17

Your answer is correct.

Essential amino acids are identified as such because

The side chain on these amino acids contains nitrogen


The side chain on these amino acids contains at least 3 carbons


The side chain on these amino acids cannot be made by humans


The side chain on these amino acids contains nitrogen and at least 3 carbons




Question 18

Your answer is correct.

Protein-energy malnutrition is more common in children than in adults because

Children need more protein per unit of body weight than adults


Children need more energy per unit of body weight than adults


Children need more protein and energy per unit of body weight than adults


Children are likely to be picky eaters compared to adults




Question 19

Your answer is correct.

Which of the following would help a vegan meet their nutrient needs?

Eating oatmeal in place of meat


Drinking fortified soy milk in place of dairy products


Eating plenty of fresh vegetables to get sufficient vitamin B12


Consuming plenty of corn oil to ensure adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids




Question 20

Your answer is correct.

In general, plant sources of protein provide _____absorbable forms of iron, zinc, and calcium as compared to animal protein sources.









Question 21

Your answer is correct.

Of the following, which is the highest quality plant protein source?

Black beans






Wheat germ