SOC 100 Week 1 Quiz

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SOC 100 Week 1 Quiz
SOC 100 Week 1 Quiz
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SOC 100 Week 1 Quiz

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    4. Answer the questions by Marking X in the Correct Answer box.

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Quiz 1


Question 1: The sociological perspective stresses the social contexts in which people live. Including: 
A.     People who share a culture and a territory. 
B.     The group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society. 
C.     How individual being identified with a group. 
D.     All of the above. 


Question 2: Conflict theory is a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources. This theory was introduced to sociology by: 
      A .   George Herbert Mead 
      B.    Robert K. Merton 
      C.       Karl Marx 
      D.   None of the Above. 


Question 3: Hypothesis is a statement of how variables are expected to be related to one another, often according to: 
A.     Predictions from a theory. 
B.     A statistical book. 
C.     The Government Department of Labor. 
D.     The social media. 


Question 4: What Culture Provides? 
A.     Culture provides orientations to life. 
B.     Culture provides social values. 
C.     Culture provides self-identity 
D.     All of the above. 


Question 5: Culture influences our: 
A.     Materials in society. 
B.     Our thinking. 
C.     Our perception of reality. 
D.     All of the above. 


Question 6: Language: 
A.     Provides social or shared past. 
B.     Allows the human experience to be cumulative. 
C.     Allows the human to have shared perspectives. 
D.     All of the above. 


Question 7: Based on Cultural Diversity in the United States Race and Language, which culture is the dominant culture: 
A.     White 
B.     Black 
C.     Hispanic 
D.     Asian 


Question 8: Based on Cultural Diversity in the United States Race and Language, which statement is correct: 
A.     All cultures are important. 
B.     All of us must adhere to the dominant American culture. 
C.     Some cultures are more important to others. 
D.     In America all people are equal 


Question 9: Which of the following statements are correct? 
A.     Values are the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, superior or inferior, good or bad, beautiful or ugly. 
B.     Norms are social expectations of “right” behavior. 
C.     Sanctions are either expressions of approval given to people for following norms or expressions of disapproval for violating them. 
D.     All of the above. 


Question 10: Which of the following statements are correct? 
A.     Taboo is a norm so strong that it brings extreme sanctions, even revulsion, if violated. 
B.     Subculture is the values and related behaviors of a group that distinguish its members from the larger culture. 
C.     core values are the values that are central to a group, those around which a group builds a common identity. 
D.     All of the above. 


Question 11: Which of the following is not a core value of American society? 
A.     Achievement and success. 
B.     Individualism. 
C.     Hard work. 
D.     Polygamy 


Question 12: Which of the following is not an emerging value of American society? 
A.     Self-fulfillment. 
B.     Youthfulness. 
C.     Fatalism. 
D.     Concern for the environment. 


Question 13: Which of the following statements is not correct? 
A.     The sociological significance of technology does not go far beyond the tool itself. 
B.     Technology is in its narrow sense, tools; its broader sense includes the skills or procedures necessary to make and use those tools. 
C.     New technology is the emerging technologies of an era that have a

significant impact on social life.

D.     Cultural lag means when human behavior lagging behind technological innovations. 


Question 14: True or False? Sometimes nonmaterial culture never does catch up with material culture. 
A.     True 
B.     False 


Question 15: True or False? People have learned from one another, adopting things they found desirable. In this process, called cultural diffusion, groups are most open to changes in their technology or material culture. 
A.     True 
B.     False 


Question 16: Cultural leveling is a process by which cultures become more and more different to one another. 
A.     True 
B.     False