SOC 100 Week 4 Quiz

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SOC 100 Week 4 Quiz
SOC 100 Week 4 Quiz
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SOC 100 Week 4 Quiz

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    4. Answer the questions by Marking X in the Correct Answer box.

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Question 1: Social Control


A.      A group’s formal and informal means of police enforcement. 
B.     A group’s formal and informal means of using military. 
C.     A group’s formal and informal means of enforcing its norms. 
D.     A group’s formal and informal means of not enforcing its values. 


Question 2: Which statement is not correct: 
A.     Negative sanction is an expression of disapproval for breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reaction such as a frown to a formal reaction such as a fine or a prison sentence. 
B.     Positive sanction is an expression of approval for following a norm, ranging from a smile or a good grade in a class to a material reward such as a prize. 
C.     Researchers have found a specific childhood experience to be invariably linked with deviance. 
D.     Most negative sanctions are informal. 


Question 3: Which statement is not correct: 
A.     You know how important your family has been in forming your views toward life, so it probably is obvious to you that the family makes a big difference in whether people learn deviance or conformity. 
B.     Labeling theory focuses on: the significance of reputations, how reputations or labels help set us on paths that propel us into deviance or divert us away from it. 
C.     None of us attempt to neutralize the moral demands of society; neutralization does not us to sleep at night.


E.      While most people resist labels of deviance, some embrace them. 


Question 4: What is not a white-collar crime: 
A.     Quitting your job without giving two weeks notices. 
B.     Securities violations, embezzlement. 
C.     Bribery of public officials. 
D.     Crimes committed by people of respectable and high social status in the course of their occupations. 


Question 5: Systems of Social Stratification are: 
A.     Caste. 
B.     Slavery (including bonded labor). 
C.     Class systems of social stratification. 
D.     All of the above. 


Question 6: Which statement is incorrect? 
A.     U.S. slave owners did not have an ideology, beliefs to justify social arrangements, making those arrangements seem necessary and fair. 
B.     The Civil War did not end legal discrimination. 
C.     Slavery continues to rear its ugly head in several parts of the world. 
D.     Sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois (1935/1992:12) noted that “gradu- ally the entire white South became an armed camp to keep Negroes in slavery and to kill the black rebel.” 


Question 7: Apartheid means:


A.     The government-approved- and-enforced separation of Afghanis women from men. 
B.     The government-approved- and-enforcement of Sharia Laws. 
C.     The government-approved- and-enforced separation of racial–ethnic groups as was practiced in South Africa 
D.     The government-approved- and-enforced teaching of religion in high schools. 


Question 8: Which country has the lowest Income per Person (per capital? 
A.     Norway. 
      B.    United State 
      C.    Singapore. 
E.       Luxembourg. 


Question 9: What constructs Social Class? 
A.     Property. 
B.     Wealth. 
C.     Income. 
      D.   All of the above. 


Question 10: Which statement is incorrect? 
A.     Power is the ability to carry out your will, even over the resistance of others. 
B.     Term for the top people in U.S. corporations, military, and politics who make the nation’s major decision is power elite. 
C.     In a democratic nation such as the USA there are no power elite. 
D.     Wealth and power coalesce in a group of people who look at the world in the same way—and view themselves as a special elite. 


Question 11: Which is not a characteristic of prestige and high paying jobs? 
A.     They pay more. 
B.     They require more education. 
C.     They involve with less abstract thought. 
D.     They offer greater autonomy (independence, or self-direction). 


Question 12: Which statement is incorrect? 
A.     Status is the position that someone occupies in a social group (also called social status) 
B.     Sitting on the top rung of the class ladder is a powerful elite that consists of just 1 percent of the U.S. population. 
      C.   In the capitalist class many elites reject philanthropy. 
      D.  The upper-middle class is the one most shaped by education. 


Question 13: On the lowest rung of social class, and with next to no chance of climbing anywhere in America, is the underclass. 
       A. True 
C.     False 


Question 14: Most poor people are high school dropouts. Many are func- tionally illiterate, finding it difficult to read even the want ads. 
A.     True 
B.     False 


Question 15: Although they work full time, millions of the working poor depend on food stamps and local food banks to survive on their meager incomes. 
A.     True 
B.     False 


Question 16: Members of the poor class, about 15 percent of the population the USA, work at unskilled, low-paying, temporary and seasonal jobs, such as sharecropping, migrant farm work, housecleaning, and day labor. 
A.     True 
B.     False