SOC 110 All Weeks Participations

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SOC 110 All Weeks Participations
SOC 110 All Weeks Participations
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SOC 110 Week 1 Participation

Case Study: The Study Group Dilemma

Read the case study and questions 1 and 2 on p. 2 of Working in Groups.

Discuss your responses with the class.

All-Star Team

Reflect on this week’s readings.

Discuss with your classmates the following:

• How would you decide what skills and experiences are needed to complete projects with quality and efficiency?

• Choose and describe a problem or project in your workplace that calls for a team solution.

• If you could build this team with famous people of the past and present, who would you select? Explain your rationale.

• Match the skills and experiences needed with each selection. You may select people from politics, sports, entertainment, or other areas.

• The team must have between four and six members.

• Write out your All-Star team selection and provide your rationale for the choices in no more than 70 words. Be prepared to discuss selections and rationale with the class.

SOC 110 Week 2 Participation

Building A Team Of Talent

Watch and discuss “Building A Team Of Talent” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

• What strengths do you bring to a team at work?

• How do you see your strengths fitting in and supporting the needs of a team?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Team Building

Watch “Team Building” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

• What do you think of the techniques of team building discussed in this video?

• When would you use this technique while working on a team project at school or at work?

Discuss and respond to your peers.


Resource: Ch. 3 & 4 of Working in Groups and the Week Two videos “Building A Team Of Talent” and “Team Building”

Imagine you wake up on the beach of a small, rocky island along with your friends, uninjured. Your plane, partially submerged offshore, is mechanically and electrically incapacitated. The pilot and co-pilot are nowhere to be found. The island is about a mile from a larger landmass visible across the water. In contrast to your present surroundings, you see that the larger landmass contains vegetation.

Identify and discuss communication strategies to facilitate formulating a plan to deal with your situation. Include how you and your friends might function as a team to ensure that you all survive.

Discuss your responses with the class

SOC 110 Week 3 Participation

Careers in IT

Watch and discuss “Careers in IT” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

• Is the approach to teamwork discussed in this video similar to what you have experienced in your school or professional life?

• What are the benefits of this approach?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Workplace Relationships: Playing Your Part

Watch and discuss “Workplace Relationships: Playing Your Part” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

• How have you contributed to team projects in your school or professional life?

• How would you describe your role within a team?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Leadership and Teamwork Skills

Watch and discuss “Leadership and Teamwork Skills” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

• Are you comfortable in the leadership role within a team? Why or why not?

• What skills can you develop to strengthen your leadership skills?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Leaders As Servants

Watch and discuss “Leaders As Servants,” in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

• Do you think the servant leadership model would be an effective model of leadership in the workplace? Why or why not?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Leadership Styles

Watch and discuss “Leadership Styles” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

• How would you characterize the leadership style of a manager or boss for whom you have worked? Why?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

SOC 110 Week 4 Participation

Team Speak: How To Ask Positive Questions

Watch and discuss “Team Speak: How To Ask Positive Questions” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

• What are examples of positive questions you can ask while working on a team project at school or at work?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Communication is a Two-Way Process

Watch and discuss “Communication is a Two-Way Process” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

• What are examples of two-way communication you have encountered at school or in professional life?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Awareness Among the Team – Locality and Perception

Watch and discuss “Awareness Among the Team – Locality and Perception” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

• How can you ensure you are getting “the big picture” as a team member?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Listening Online

Reflect on this week’s readings.

Identify listening and communication skills within virtual teams and how computer technology may enhance collaboration.

Discuss these skills with your classmates.

SOC 110 Week 5 Participation

Problem Solving Skills

Watch and discuss “Problem Solving Skills” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

• How might thinking of a problem as a challenge or opportunity affect how you approach a solution?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Creativity as Problem Solving

Watch and discuss “Creativity as Problem Solving” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

• What benefits does thinking creatively have in problem solving?

• Have you worked creatively to solve a problem?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Proverbs as Conflict Management Guides

Reflect on this week’s readings.

Identify and discuss conflict management strategies reflected in each of the following proverbs:

• Kind words are worth more and cost little.

• The person who fights and runs away lives to fight another day.

• You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.

• Might overcomes right.

• Only the person who is willing to give up his or her monopoly on truth can ever profit from the truths others hold