SPAN 110 Week 5 Listening and Speaking Activities

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SPAN 110 Week 5 Listening and Speaking Activities
SPAN 110 Week 5 Listening and Speaking Activities
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SPAN 110 Week 5 Listening and Speaking Activities

Listen to the Week 5 audio files and comment on any differences or similarities between English and Spanish: pronunciation of specific consonants.

Practice and review the files as often as necessary.

List any challenges you have encountered.

Spanish Practice Week 5

1) Describe your daily routine in Spanish.

2) Describe what you are doing using the present progressive. 

For example: Me despierto a las siete de la mañana. Me ducho, me visto. Desayuno rápidamente. Por la noche, me acuesto a la una de la mañana.

Ahora estoy estudiando el español. Estoy comiendo la cena también.