SEI 300 Wk 2 – English Learner Populations Infographic

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SEI 300 Wk 2 - English Learner Populations Infographic
SEI 300 Wk 2 – English Learner Populations Infographic
  • Description

SEI 300 Wk 2 – English Learner Populations Infographic

As a teacher, you will meet and work with English learners who have unique academic, social, and emotional needs based on their prior experiences. It will benefit you to take the time to learn about these students’ experiences and backgrounds to better instruct them and make them feel welcomed.


Research the following English learner populations:

  • Students with interrupted formal education (SIFEs)
  • Long-term English learners (LTELs)
  • Recently arrived English learners (RAELs)
  • Refugees
  • Migrants
  • Immigrants
  • Native Americans


Consider exploring the Special Populations: English Language Learners page from Colorín Colorado.


Create an infographic that differentiates the following populations:

  • Students with interrupted formal education (SIFEs)
  • Long-term English learners (LTELs)
  • Recently arrived English learners (RAELs)


Include in your infographic:

  • An explanation of how refugee, migrant, immigrant, and Native American students pertain as subgroups to each of the 3 groups (SIFEs, LTELs, and RAELs)
  • Brief statements or words describing factors that influence English language acquisition for learners from these special populations (e.g., family support, previous schooling)
  • Tips on how you can create a safe and inclusive environment for these special populations; think about how you will make these learners feel valued and value each other.
  • District and community resources available in your area for these students and families


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