ENV 100T Wk 3 – WileyPLUS Week 3 Weekly Exam

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ENV 100T Wk 3 – WileyPLUS Week 3 Weekly Exam
ENV 100T Wk 3 – WileyPLUS Week 3 Weekly Exam
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ENV 100T Wk 3 – WileyPLUS Week 3 Weekly Exam


The layer of soil rich in organic material but is subject to leaching is ___ or the ___.






weathered parent material…C-horizon.






The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a voluntary subsidy program that pays farmers to stop producing crops on highly erodible farmland. Instead farmers are required to:


strip crop native plants with grain crops on the erodible land


plant native grasses or trees on the highly erodible land and then “retire” it from further use for 10 to 15 years


develop and adopt a 5-year conservation plan for their farms that includes erosion-control measures, and if they do not comply, they lose federal agricultural subsidies such as price supports


plant shelterbelts to reduce the impact of wind erosion




In mining, overburden refers to:


the hill of loose rock created when the soil and rock from a new trench is put into the already excavated trench during strip mining.


the mineral resources that are extracted from deep underground deposits.


the soil and rock overlying a useful mineral deposit.


the mineral resources that are extracted near Earth’s surface by first removing the soil, subsoil, and overlying rock strata.





A major problem with conservation tillage is:


the soil becomes compact.


soil erosion increases.


it increases insect populations.


it requires greater use of herbicides to control weeds.




Which of the following is NOT an environmental impact of mining?


Eutrophication of waterways


Groundwater depletion


Soil erosion


Acid mine drainage




The photo below BEST illustrates:




a wildlife corridor


a clear-cut









Deforestation is the most serious problem facing the world’s forests and the main regions of forest loss are:


Africa and South America


North and Central America


Europe and Asia


Australia and Caribbean sea



Conservation strategies that set aside ecosystems for preservation:


are meant to preserve an area’s diversity.


increase the likelihood that a given ecosystem will be exploited.


decrease the number of endangered species living in that ecosystem.


can only be carried out by government agencies.




What is the difference between a rock and an ore?



Soil erosion is primarily attributed to:



In the diagram below,the horizontal layers are called while the entire vertical section of the soil from surface to bedrock is called









What would be a good way to prevent further soil erosion?




In mining,overburden refers to:



Which of the following statements about the nature of global mineral use is FALSE?





Soil erosion:






The layer of soil that contains mostly weathered parent material is or the.





Which of the following identifies a method used to separate impurities from molten metal?






mine drainage





What is designated by the green areas on the map?




Areas where FSC certified wood is grown.


Location of the world’s boreal forests.


Regions where most commercial logging occurs.


Location of the world’s tropical rainforests.





Which of the following statements regarding rangelands in the United States is TRUE?


Approximately 50% of the total land area in the United States is rangeland, and most of it is located east of the Mississippi.


The condition of U.S. rangelands which declined starting in the 1930s, at the time of the Dust Bowl, have continued to be on the decline largely due to the lack of federal legislation.


Public rangelands in the U.S. are managed by the National Park Service with a preservation mandate and thus cannot be used for grazing private livestock.


Restoration of degraded rangeland in the U.S. is a slow and costly process but effective as a result of techniques that include seeding in places where plant cover is sparse or absent, conducting controlled burns to suppress shrubby plants, constructing fences to allow rotational grazing, and controlling invasive weeds.







Based on the graphs below, what conclusion can you draw concerning human population and world hunger?




as the total world grain production increases, world hunger decreases


the total grain production varies according to weather conditions, so world hunger is intermittent


if the increase in world grain production continues to rise at this rate, world hunger will be eradicated by 2020


the increase in world grain production does not change the amount of grain produced per person because the population is also increasing, so hunger persists


there is no relationship between the size of the human population and world hunger





What type of mine is illustrated in the photographs below?



The area shown in the photograph below is an example of:




As part of the National Wilderness Preservation System(NWPS),areas that are designated as wilderness are found in the






What is the reason that forests tend to be cooler and moister than surrounding open lands?




Who manages federal lands in the United States







National Parks are increasingly becoming like islands.What is meant by this is?



The Wilderness Act of 1964:



Which of the following statements about rangelands is TRUE?



The white leghorn hen is prolific at egg laying, but not good for meat production and now produces almost all of the eggs in the U.S. This points to a global trend where



Which of the following types of agriculture is correctly matched with the agricultural practice





The decline of Peregrine falcons in the United States due to the use of DDT is an example of?



In the post-green revolution era,the challenge of increasing crop yields will be met by




Subsistence agricultural practices are characterized by all of the following attributes except





What is the green revolution?



Which of the following statements best describes the type of agricultural practice seen below?



The condition in which people live with chronic hunger and malnutrition is




The soil layer that accumulates leached nutrients and minerals is called ___ or the ___.











weathered parent material…C-horizon.







The removal of dissolved minerals from the soil as water moves downward is called:


















Soil is composed of:





mineral particles



organic materials






all of the above




What type of mine is illustrated in the photographs below?











A = strip mine; B = shaft mine



A = open-pit mine; B = strip mine



A = slope mine; B = shaft mine



A = open-pit mine; B = slope mining






Soil erosion is primarily attributed to:


wildfires, surplus soil organisms and dense vegetation.



poor agricultural practices, overgrazing and deforestation.



weathering, excessive tillage and coastal location.



exhaustion of parent material, severe climate and leaching.





What would be a good way to prevent further soil erosion?





Planting trees and perennial plants



Installing retaining walls



Increasing fertilizer use



Desalinization of soil





Which of the following minerals is INCORRECTLY paired with its use(s)?





aluminum – electrical wiring



iron – steel



sand – glass and concrete



sulfur – making plastics and wallboard






The Wilderness Act of 1964:





established five new national parks.



limits the percentage of an area that can be developed for human habitation and other activities.



allows the U.S. government to set aside federally owned land that retains its primeval character and lacks permanent improvements.



established wilderness areas, but only within existing national parks.






Fifty percent of all the wood that is harvested from the world’s forests is:





made into furniture



used in producing paper



burned directly as fuelwood



used to make children’s toys





Why are tropical rain forests considered so important to global ecology?





They contribute greatly to the world’s carbon and oxygen cycles.



They retard soil erosion.



They contain much of the world’s biodiversity.



All of the above.






Conventional forestry practices that manage for timber production:





involve planting a collection of specific species of commercially important trees, but thinning or removing only those trees that are not ecologically desirable.



are reflected in the planting of a monoculture of young pines that are all the same age and are planted in rows a fixed distance apart.



reduce the use of insecticides and fungicides as managed forests are at less susceptible to disease and damage from insect pests.



increase forest diversity because managed forests offer a lot of one kind of food, and thus can support a larger variety of organisms than typically found in natural forests.






In the US land is managed by four government agencies, of which the ___ is the only one NOT in the Department of the Interior.





National Park Service



U.S. Forest Service



U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service



Bureau of Land Management





Sustainable forestry:





seeks to conserve forests for the long-term commercial harvest of timber and non-timber forest products by maintaining a mix of forest trees, by age and species, rather than imposing a monoculture.



due to the complexity of goals, is most effective when it involves cooperation among environmentalists, loggers, farmers, indigenous peoples, and local, state, and federal governments.



approaches vary from one forest ecosystem to another, in response to different environmental, cultural, and economic conditions.



is all of the above.






The photograph below shows a ___ since the trees are of uniform size and age and are all of the same species.







seed tree formation



clear-cut forest



shelterwood forest



tree plantation





In one tree harvesting model called ___, in the first year of harvest, undesirable tree species and dead or diseased trees are removed and then subsequent harvests occur at intervals of several years, allowing time for remaining trees to grow.








even-age harvesting



selective cutting



shelterwood cutting






In terms of sustainable agriculture, what is being done at point A in the diagram below to minimize commercial inorganic fertilizer inputs?




  1. using monoculture to minimize different forms of fertilizers needed
  2. using legume-based crops for nitrogen fixation
  3. using flat land to control fertilizer runoff
  4. using animal manure





1 only



2 only



3 only



4 only



2 and 4







What is the green revolution?





the storage of germplasm in seed banks



development of high-yield crops that require intensive industrial cultivation methods



agricultural production that does not use pesticides, irrigation or artificial fertilizers



a shift from industrialized agriculture to subsistence-oriented croplands



a renovation of agricultural practices to decrease the amount of calories produced per acre






If pesticide from a farm runs off into Lake Michigan, which organism in the lake’s food chain would test highest for the pesticide?





macroinvertebrates (shrimp)



zooplankton (microscopic animals)



phytoplankton (algae)



forage fish (perch)



fish eaters (birds)






Which of the following statements about pesticides is false?





The prolonged use of a particular pesticide can cause a pest population to develop genetic resistance to it.



Most pesticides affect more species than the pests for which they are intended.



Pesticides applied to agricultural lands tend to stay where they are applied.



Most pesticides are chemically stable and do not degrade readily in the environment.



Pesticides reduce the amount of crop loss through consumption by insects.











Question 1






Which of the following statements about nutrient cycling is TRUE?




Bacteria and fungi are involved in nutrient cycling as they decompose detritus transforming large organic molecules into small inorganic molecules, including carbon dioxide, water, and nutrient minerals like nitrates.



Nutrient cycling is the pathway of various nutrient minerals or elements from the environment through organisms and back to the environment.



Nonliving processes are also involved in nutrient cycling, such as the weathering of the parent material replaces some nutrient minerals lost through erosion.



All of the above statements are true about nutrient cycling.





Question 2






What is the MAIN requirement of reclaiming land degraded by any type of mining operation?




To restore them to the same type of ecosystem that existed before mining began on that site.



To stabilize the soil so that further degradation does not occur.



To create areas for housing subdivisions.



To comply with federal law.





Question 3





Which minerals would be used to make the following products?






A = zinc; B = gypsum



A = molybdenum; B = sulfur



A = mercury; B = potassium



A = nickel; B = magnesium





Question 4






Subduction occurs:




when one tectonic plate slides underneath another.



due to mining activities.



because of the Coriolis effect.



on the leeward side of a mountain.





Question 5






Planting the same crop year after year:




increases damage by insects and disease.



decreases soil erosion.



does not deplete essential nutrients from the soil.



will slowly increase crop yields.





Question 6






The TWO main reasons that certain areas are not suitable for agriculture are:




soil is too dry and soil has chemical problems (e.g. salinization)



soil is too shallow and soil is too wet



soil is too wet and soil is too dry



soil is frozen and soil has chemical problems (e.g. salinization)





Question 7





Why does this soil have no O-horizon?






The O- horizon has been plowed under for agriculture.



Considerable leaching has eliminated the O- horizon.



Soil erosion has eliminated the O- horizon.



Forest soils like this one have no O-horizon.





Question 8






Which of the following statements about soil is NOT TRUE?




Soil consists of mineral and organic matter modified by the natural actions of agents such as weather, wind, water, and organisms.



Soil formation is a continuous process that takes a long time, sometimes thousands of years, both because the process of rock disintegrating into fine mineral particles is slow, and time is also required for organic material to accumulate in the soil.



An area’s terrain influences soil formation — steep slopes encourage soil formation and accumulation while valleys discourage the formation of deep soils.



Minerals, the main component of soil, provide anchorage and essential nutrient minerals for plants, as well as pore space for water and air.





Question 9






Increased soil erosion may be caused by all of the following EXCEPT:




construction of buildings.



construction of roads.



construction of shelterbelts.



clearcutting large forested areas.





Question 10






Sustainable forestry:




seeks to conserve forests for the long-term commercial harvest of timber and non-timber forest products by maintaining a mix of forest trees, by age and species, rather than imposing a monoculture.



due to the complexity of goals, is most effective when it involves cooperation among environmentalists, loggers, farmers, indigenous peoples, and local, state, and federal governments.



approaches vary from one forest ecosystem to another, in response to different environmental, cultural, and economic conditions.



is all of the above.



The environmental impact of mining related activities in the Copper Basin, Tennessee region involved all of the following EXCEPT:


no exceptions, all of the above occurred in the Copper Basin area.



Question 11






The area shown in the photograph below is an example of:






clear cutting



contour farming






selective cutting



What is the reason that forests tend to be cooler and moister than surrounding open lands?

Which of the following statements about boreal forests is TRUE?




The condition in which people live with chronic hunger and malnutrition is

food crisis



food insecurity




  1. Boreal forests occur primarily in Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  2. Boreal forests are currently the primary source of the world’s industrial wood and wood fiber.
  3. Boreal forests are harvested primarily by clear-cut logging.


2 and 3


Public lands may be used for:

resource extraction


livestock grazing


wildlife habitat


all of the above



Which of the following statements about clear-cutting is FALSE?

Wood from clear-cut forest would bear the FSC certification.


What is the relationship of overgrazing to desertification?

Overgrazing results in barren exposed soil; if erosion continues, it contributes to desertification.

Question 12






How are wilderness areas different from national parks?




Only wilderness areas contain large populations of predators like wolves or grizzly bears.



No human development is allowed in wilderness areas.



Except for research purposes, people are not allowed to visit wilderness areas.



Wilderness areas allow grazing and some timber removal.





Question 13





In the US land is managed by four government agencies, of which the ___ is the only one NOT in the Department of the Interior.




National Park Service



U.S. Forest Service



U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service



Bureau of Land Management





Question 14






A legal agreement that protects privately owned rangelands, forests or other property from development for a specified number of years is termed:




a public rangeland.



a national park.



a conservation easement.



a wildlife corridor.





Question 15






Which of the following is NOT a way to slow deforestation?




By replanting trees.



By managing commercial logging operations.



By promoting additional slash-and-burn agricultural practices.



By discouraging plantation style agriculture of crops like bananas and palm oil.





Question 16






Federally owned land encompasses all of the following EXCEPT:




land that that contains important resources such as minerals and fossil fuels



land that possesses historical or cultural significance



land that provides critical biological habitat



no exceptions, all of the above are examples of federally owned land





Question 17





Habitat corridors are intended to provide:




additional habitat fragmentation.



increase in species richness within forest monocultures.



a means for controlling insect pests and invasive species.



a means of migration so animals can interbreed.





Question 18






Subsistence agricultural practices are characterized by all of the following attributes except




use of manure as fertilizer.



use of draft animals for labor source.



water and fossil fuel energy conservation.



high crop yield per acre.



limited use of agrochemicals.



An individual who is overnourished

has an increased likelihood of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.


Question 19






One of the problems associated with the “green revolution” is that




not enough food is produced for developing countries.



it is confined to highly developed countries.



it makes developing countries dependent on high-energy consuming imported technologies.



it has been rejected by developing countries due to conflicts with customary practices.



technology is not advanced enough to make it cost effective.






Organic agriculture uses


limited amounts of narrow-spectrum pesticides


limited amount of broad-spectrum pesticides


fungicide spray before shipment to grocery stores


organic pesticides rather than inorganic pesticides


no pesticides



Question 20






Pesticides are effective in




decreasing the cost of subsistence farming.



increasing the crop damage due to competition with weeds.



small concentrations but not in large concentrations.



controlling some organisms that cause diseases in humans.



attracting particular insects to an area.






Question 21






The move away from using techniques that produce high yield and toward methods that focus on long-term sustainability of the soil is known as




habitat fragmentation.



subsistence agriculture.



industrialized agriculture.



the green revolution.



the second green revolution.



Which of the following types of agriculture is correctly matched with the agricultural practice?

subsistence: slash-and-burn

Which of the following methods are currently being used to increase livestock yields

Question 22






Which of the following is not a problem associated with industrial agriculture?




soil erosion



depletion of fossil fuels



disposal of livestock wastes



habitat fragmentation



none, these are all problems associated with industrial agriculture






Question 23






Which of the following uses of pesticide can lead to ecological imbalance?




pesticides alter the genetic resistance in populations causing the pests to persist.



pesticides kill prey thereby causing predators to starve or migrate. Then the prey population rebounds larger than before since predators are gone.



bioaccumulation of pesticides in animal tissue can lead to extinction of species.



pesticides show mobility, moving other than where they were applied inadvertently killing non-pest organisms.



all of the above.





Question 24





The decline of Peregrine falcons in the United States due to the use of DDT is an example of?






biological magnification




genetic resistance


green revolution


biological resistance




Question 25



Which type of pesticide has fewer deleterious environmental effects? Why?




narrow-spectrum pesticide because it focuses on killing specific organisms



narrow-spectrum pesticide because it stays exactly where it is sprayed



broad-spectrum pesticide because it moves around the environment to reach all potential pests



broad-spectrum pesticide because insects cannot develop resistance to it



neither broad and narrow-spectrum pesticides have deleterious environmental effects



The natural or human-induced reduction in the potential ability of the land to support crops or livestock is


sustainable agriculture.


the green revolution.


a result of intercropping.


harvest deprivation.


land degradation.