MHA 506 Wk 1 – Current Situation/SWOT Analysis Summary

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MHA 506 Wk 1 - Current Situation/SWOT Analysis Summary
MHA 506 Wk 1 – Current Situation/SWOT Analysis Summary
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MHA 506 Wk 1 – Current Situation/SWOT Analysis Summary

Review the Case Study: East Chestnut Regional Health System document.


Assume you are the Marketing Manager for East Chestnut Regional Health. Upper management has requested you prepare a Current Situation/SWOT Analysis summary for them.


Conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis on the organization, using the SWOT Analysis Worksheet for your analysis.


Consider the following in your analysis:

  • Current internal product and service strengths and weaknesses
  • Current competition
  • Current or potential opportunities that exist in the external environment and their impact on the organization
  • Current or potential threats in the external environment and their impact on the organization


Prepare the Current Situation/SWOT Analysis worksheet of your analysis in which you answer the question, “Where are we now as an organization?”. Use the worksheet questions as your guide to address the questions to follow.


Include the following in your Current Situation/SWOT Analysis Worksheet:

  • 3 key strengths of the organization on which it can build
  • 3 key weaknesses of the organization on which it can improve
  • 3 key opportunities the organization could address in the marketplace to expand its offerings or improve its profitability
  • 3 key threats the organization faces from the external environment
  • How the organization can build on its strengths to address its weaknesses and threats
  • How the organization can build on its strengths to take advantage of market opportunities


Write an introduction and conclusion paragraph using a minimum of 500 words. Remember to include your objective when writing an introduction paragraph.


Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency sites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).


Submit your assignment.