MKT 435 Wk 2 – Apply Summative Assessment

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MKT 435 Wk 2 - Apply Summative Assessment
MKT 435 Wk 2 – Apply Summative Assessment
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MKT 435 Wk 2 – Apply Summative Assessment

  1. A restaurant reaches out to your marketing agency, Customer Interactive, about increasing customer traffic inside the restaurant and with online orders. The restaurant has tried to attract customers on social media with regular posts, but it is not seeing any return on investment. You observe that the restaurant is not capitalizing on consumers’ motivational drive states. Which strategy would you choose below to take advantage of motivational drive states?

o     A video of the restaurant owner inviting people to come visit the restaurant for the deal of the day

o     A stock photo of food that is not made by the restaurant with a discount code

o     A screenshot of the restaurant’s menu listing their products with no pictures

o     Video posts with closeup shots of food, emphasizing the ingredient descriptions and associating the imagery with the word hungry



7 / 7  (100.0%)

  1. A nonprofit that builds housing for the homeless needs your agency’s expertise to help recruit more volunteers to help its cause. You assess the nonprofit’s website and email campaigns and see that it only posts flyers with minimal wording to potential volunteers. You propose that the nonprofit starts a campaign highlighting current volunteers and applies self-actualization from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to the campaign. Why would targeting a potential volunteer’s sense of self-actualization improve recruitment efforts?

o     Appealing to someone’s motivation to have a sense of self purpose and fulfillment through volunteering will have a greater intrinsic impact.

o     Potential volunteers will see that the nonprofit values its volunteers with this type of campaign.

o     Potential volunteers will want to see stories about themselves on the nonprofit’s website.

o     A campaign like this will show that people could fit this type of volunteer work easily in their schedules.



6 / 6  (100.0%)

  1. A new local gym engages with you to create a new promotional ad series. You take a look at past ad campaigns and see that there are few appeals leveraging persuasion. You decide to target promotion-oriented consumers versus prevention-oriented consumers with your new campaign. Why was this the best choice for a fitness center?

o     This promotion-oriented campaign will work best because these consumers are persuaded by duties and obligations to exercise more.

o     These consumers are persuaded more by facts in ad campaigns.

o     Promotion-oriented consumers are more motivated to purchase services through discount-related ads.

o     These types of customers are more motivated to realize their fitness hopes and goals by trying new and fun activities that emphasize gains.



  1. A car dealership hires your agency to attract more leads to its sales floor. You know that buying cars is a huge financial decision that impacts customers’ daily lives. While the dealership has tried to decrease prices, you see that it hasn’t tried promotions like free oil changes for two years. You launch the free oil change campaign, and the dealership saw almost double the customer traffic in its lot. Why did your oil change campaign succeed?

o     Promoting a free service appealed to the VALS Framework survivor segment.

o     The campaign used multiple channels to reach more consumers.

o     Consumers did not realize that car prices were discounted with the previous campaign.

o     Offering the free oil changes minimized the avoidance-avoidance motivational conflict of making an unwanted, large purchase of a car.



7 / 7  (100.0%)

  1. A regional pizza chain contracts you to analyze how it compares to competitors. You recommend surveying its customers using the Fishbein multi-attribute model. When the results come back, the pizza shop chain is surprised to see that it scored low on convenience and variety. Why is it important to use the Fishbein multi-attribute model?

o     The pizza shop can decide to not promote its different menu items since variety ranked low.

o     The pizza shop can increase the number of ways it markets to its customers.

o     The pizza shop can run promotions on its current menu items to draw more customers.

o     The pizza shop can better position itself to change customer attitudes about its products’ and services’ features.



7 / 7  (100.0%)

  1. A donut shop calls your agency to increase sales in its store. You visit the store and see that donuts are premade with a limited selection. There are also few customers in the shop, and those who are there do not stay long. You propose that the donut shop should run a video promotion ad on social media about customers being allowed to choose their own donut toppings. When the campaign ends, the shop has tripled its sales. Why did the donut shop see this increase in sales?

o     Because customers feel more motivated since choosing their own toppings gives them a sense of autonomy.

o     Because customers were tired of seeing the same donut flavors.

o     Because the donut shop had never promoted itself on social media before.

o     Because customers were more attracted to a video promotion.



7 / 7  (100.0%)

  1. A leggings company emails your agency to increase their lagging sales. You review the company’s website and find that it charges a high price for its leggings. After surveying the company’s current customers about price, you suggest that the company offers to make a donation to the customer’s favorite charity every time that person buys leggings. The company approves the suggestion, and you run a Google Ads campaign centering on how customers can donate by buying leggings. Soon, the leggings company sees its revenue climb. Why did this happen?

o     Customers felt a reduction in their cognitive dissonance because they were able to give back to a charity and receive the leggings in return.

o     The leggings company targeted a different audience that would have been more receptive to the charity campaign.

o     The customers liked the colors of the leggings depicted in the Google Ads better than other legging colors in past marketing campaigns.

o     The leggings company had not promoted its products on Google ads before.



7 / 7  (100.0%)

  1. A candy brand, Moon Bars, hires your marketing agency, Customer Interactive, to understand how its customers are feeling about the company’s products. It has received little feedback from its customer surveys and wants your company’s guidance on what other emotional analysis tools will get better insights. You recommend using your social media listening platform. How can emotional analysis benefit Moon Bars’ social media marketing strategy?

o     Moon Bars can develop more authentic and relatable social media content

o     Moon Bars can identify trending Twitter hashtags among its consumers

o     Moon Bars can sort which tweets are positive and which are negative sentiments

o     Moon Bars can track what its customers are saying about its competitors



7 / 7  (100.0%)

  1. A small nonprofit called Feed Florida contracts your agency, Customer Interactive, to boost sharing of its giving campaigns. The nonprofit is having trouble getting its Facebook posts about donating to its cause shared. Looking through Feed Florida’s posts, you notice that the nonprofit’s campaign only shares stock photos in its posts and that its posts generally lack character and emotion. What do you do?


o    You propose a new giving campaign that creates a competition between neighborhoods of who can give the most to the nonprofit. You suggest offering a sweepstake prize for the winning neighborhood because healthy competition will promote sharing of the campaign.

o     You propose taking photos of the hungry locals before they receive food donations and using these photos to launch a guilt campaign because negative emotions are the strongest, and people are more likely to share a post when they recognize someone in the post.

o     You propose a new giving campaign focusing on the happiness that the families feel when they receive food donations because audience members will be highly aroused to share due to the positive emotions of happiness triggered by the campaign’s posts.

o     You suggest that the nonprofit uses higher-quality photos and includes stock videos of how beautiful Florida is because content that is highly aesthetic is more likely to be shared.



6 / 6  (100.0%)

  1. A vacation resort contacts you to see how it can increase purchases of gift certificates. You decide to launch a marketing campaign focusing on videos of its customers surprising their family and friends with physical, vacation getaway gift certificates. As a result of your video campaign, the resort saw higher gift certificate sales. Why did this happen?

o     The new campaign ran around Mother’s Day, which increased sales.

o     The campaign capitalized on potential customers’ feelings of surprise and delight through emotional storytelling.

o     Customers preferred the video content over the written testimonials used in previous campaigns.

o     The call to action of going to the vacation resort’s website was clearer in the video campaign.



7 / 7  (100.0%)

  1. An insurance company emails your agency, Customer Interactive, for help with redefining its brand personality and increasing brand awareness. Last year, the company redesigned its logo based on feedback from a focus group but saw no increase in brand awareness. The company has never had a mascot and has been using the same slogan for the past 15 years. What do you recommend to the insurance company?

o     You recommend redoing the company slogan because most successful companies introduce new slogans every five years and the current one is now irrelevant to the needs of modern consumers.

o     You recommend creating a mascot that will be visually represented across all communication channels because mascots create a symbolic and physical personality for customers to identify with, relate to, and care about.

o     You recommend redesigning the logo to incorporate trendy colors and fonts to make the company resonate more with cutting-edge consumers and stand out from other insurance companies.

o     You recommend that the company make small adjustments to its slogan and logo because making small adjustments to a few brand elements is often better and easier than making sweeping adjustments to a single element.



6 / 6  (100.0%)

  1. A department store enlists you to increase its ad rate conversions. You examine its audience segmentation and see that it has never surveyed its customers about their big five personality model dimensions. What do you propose to help the department store increase its ad rate conversions?

o     You propose to incorporate a personality survey into the next ad campaign to capitalize on the BuzzFeed phenomenon and because consumers like to answer questions about themselves.

o     You propose that the department store survey all of its employees to find out what their big five personality traits are. You average their scores to create the ideal consumer persona and encourage the store to target their ads to that persona.

o     You propose to implement your personality analytics platform into the company’s ad campaigns because consumers are drawn to brands that share their same personality dimensions and will be more likely to respond to that brand’s ads.

o     You propose to implement your personality analytics platform into the company’s ad campaigns. Consumers are drawn to brands with the opposite personality dimensions because opposites attract, and those consumers are more likely to respond to the ads.



  1. A large public library secures your services to increase its adult event attendance. The library has held author signings and book discussion groups but has had little to no attendees. What do you suggest to help increase the attendance at adult events in the library?


o     You suggest that the library stops putting on events because poorly attended events are a waste of library resources that should be going to acquiring a better digital collection.

o     You suggest that the library reaches out to other libraries in neighboring areas to find out what events they host and how well-attended those events are so that this library can do those same events.

o     You suggest that the library surveys its library cardholders to find out what events the adult cardholders would be most interested in and then plans events accordingly.

o     You suggest that the library renovates its event space to allow for larger events and to attract locals who haven’t been to the library before.



6 / 6  (100.0%)

  1. An energy drink startup company calls you to help strategize where to best invest its advertising budget. The startup is getting little to no return on investment with its current strategies. After reviewing the budget, you determine that it has not yet explored lifestyle advertising at sports events. Why should the energy drink company funnel its advertising efforts at sporting events?

o     Sporting events get a large number of attendees to expose the brand to.

o     Sports spectators are more likely to impulsively buy products.

o     The size of the advertisement would be larger at a sports event to attract more attention.

o     Sports events are more likely to have customers whose lifestyles match the energy drink company’s mission of aspiring to achieve goals through energy.



7 / 7  (100.0%)

  1. A local newspaper is looking to increase its subscription rates and tasks your agency to achieve its goals. Which VALS Framework Type below would a newspaper subscription most likely appeal to?

o     Thinkers who pride themselves on keeping up with the world and national events.

o     Believers who prefer routine and familiarity.

o     Survivors who need the latest coupon circulars to save money.

o     Achievers who want the latest stock figures in their inboxes.



6 / 6  (100.0%)

  1. A software company wants to move away from being brand-centric to being more customer-centric. The company contracts you to help uncover its customers’ needs, goals, wants, and traits. Which customer tool would best help the company achieve its results and why?

o     Customer profiles because they present the quantitative, factual data of the customers and allow you to strategically represent the brand to the customers

o     Thinking styles because they focus primarily on cognition and are unchanging, which would help the company to increase its brand-centricity

o     Customer personas because they encompass the demographics, psychographics, stories, and needs of a customer and help the company meet them more consistently

o     Customer segments because they contain more generalized, qualitative data that can give the company a basic idea of some of the consumers’ needs


  1. A content company is seeking to increase engagement in its email campaigns. The company hires you to improve its click-through rates. What type of customer persona would you choose to reach your goals and why?

o     Audience personas because they are looking to consume education and entertainment content and therefore most clearly match the company’s email recipients

o     Ad-hoc personas because they require interviewing stakeholders about their views on the company’s customers, which would give us the most information about how to reach the email recipients

o     Pastiche personas because they are based on fictional characters that are well known culturally and therefore would give the company a clear idea of the needs of its actual customers

o     Negative customer personas because they would guide the company toward the type of customer it doesn’t want and allow the company to use reverse psychology in meeting its consumers’ needs



7 / 7  (100.0%)

  1. Your agency successfully helped the software company develop its customer persona. Now the company would like to go one step further and use the customer persona to create the right product concept deliverables. What consumer behavior tool do you use to help the company make this step and why?

o     An empathy map of its customers; empathy mapping targets the geographic locations of where consumers live

o     An empathy map of its customers; empathy mapping decreases stereotyping typically seen in personas since it focuses on customers’ feelings about products and services.

o     The customer journey; the customer journey allows the company to customize steps for a customer persona

o     Another customer persona; having multiple customer personas helps the company widen its product appeal



7 / 7  (100.0%)

  1. An online bookstore seeks your agency out to boost its book sales. You review its social media channels and pinpoint that the bookstore needs to create organic campaigns featuring its customers shopping for books as retail therapy to increase impulse buying. Why would this strategy work?

o     Customers would be more likely to buy books after hearing user testimonials.

o     The retail therapy campaign has a better likelihood of going viral on social media.

o     The campaigns would make potential customers feel like they can decrease their feelings of anxiety and sadness through emotional buying of books.

o     Retail therapy can be perceived as a fun experience by potential book buyers.


  1. A work from home platform company sends your agency a message about needing help with grabbing people’s attention on the company’s YouTube channel. You review the channel and come up with the idea to create YouTube ads that promote the concept of greed. The ads would talk about the possibility of potential users earning a lot of money if they find a job on the work from home platform. Why would a greed appeal increase view times on the company’s YouTube ads?

o     Humans want to feel industrious according to Erik Erikson’s personality theory.

o     Humans are intrinsically greedy according to Freudian personality theory .

o     Humans desire to be the heroes of their own lives according to Jungian archetypes.

o     Humans are attracted to video versus other types of media content.