DBM 384 Week 2 Data Warehouse Project, Part II

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DBM 384 Week 2 Data Warehouse Project, Part II
DBM 384 Week 2 Data Warehouse Project, Part II
  • Description

DBM 384 Week 2 Data Warehouse Project, Part II

Use the credit card database from the Week One Individual assignment, “Data Warehouse Project, Part I,” as a basis for the creation of a data warehouse.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Define the business requirements, objectives, and deliverables.
  2. Declare the grain.
  3. Choose dimensions.
  4. Identify fact duration.
  5. Identify facts.

Create a 6-page Technical Design Document that includes a description of the five steps above and the results of completing the steps for the credit card data warehouse.

Submit your Technical Design Document.