DBM 384 Week 2 Team – Specialized Database Presentation

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DBM 384 Week 2 Team - Specialized Database Presentation
DBM 384 Week 2 Team – Specialized Database Presentation
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DBM 384 Week 2 Team – Specialized Database Presentation

Your team is tasked with creating an inventory price-tracking database for a company of your choosing.

Complete the following steps in Microsoft® SQL Server® 2016:

  1. Create a table. This table will tell you what price the inventory item started at, what it currently is, and what it ends at. The primary key must be a combination of the inventory number and the current price date. Elements to include in your table are as follows:
  2. Inventory Number Integer
  3. Inventory Description Text
  4. Date Price Previous Date
  5. Date Price Current Date
  6. Date Price End Date
  7. Inventory Price Decimal
  8. Create an insert statement that will be used to initially add an inventory item. Remember that the previous date will be null, the start date will be today’s date, and the end date will be null.
  9. Create a stored procedure that will be used to update the price of an item. The procedure will take the inventory number and a new price.
  10. Update the current record by updating the Date Price End Date to be the current date. Then, create a new inventory record where the Date Price Previous Date is today’s date, Date Price Current Date is tomorrow’s date (price is effective tomorrow), and Date Price End Date is null. Remember to bring over the inventory description and inventory number, as well.
  11. Create a query that will display a list of all the current inventory prices.
  12. Write and run a test script for Steps Two through Four.
  13. Save a screenshot of the results.

Compress your DDL and DML scripts, query, test script, and results into a ZIP file.

Submit the ZIP file.