LDR 300 Wk 3 – Apply: Quiz

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LDR 300 Wk 3 - Apply: Quiz
LDR 300 Wk 3 – Apply: Quiz
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 LDR 300 Wk 3 – Apply: Quiz

If a decision has a rational or objectively determinable “better or worse” alternative, a leader should select the better alternative. This most likely refers to

Multiple Choice

  • decision acceptance.
  • problem solving.
  • decision quality.
  • strategic agility.



The highest levels of situational favorability most likely occur when

Multiple Choice

  • there are high levels of leader–member conflict, the task is unstructured, and the leader uses reward power.
  • leader–member relations are good, the task is unstructured, and position power is low.
  • there are high levels of leader–member conflict, the task is structured, and the leader uses coercive power.
  • leader–member relations are good, the task is structured, and position power is high.



In the context of the four types of leader behavior in the path–goal theory, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of achievement-oriented leadership?

Multiple Choice

  • Leaders tell followers what they are expected to do, how to do it, when it is to be done, and how their work fits in with the work of others.

Leaders have courteous and friendly interactions, express genuine concern for followers’ well-being and individual needs, and remain open and approachable to followers.

  • Leaders tend to share work problems with followers and solicit their suggestions, concerns, and recommendations.
  • Leaders support follower behaviors by exhibiting a high degree of confidence so that subordinates can put forth the necessary effort.



In the context of the contingency model, which of the following is the most powerful element of situational favorability?

Multiple Choice

  • leader–member relation
  • position power
  • task structure
  • effort-to-performance expectancy



Which of the following statements about high-LPC leaders is most likely true?

Multiple Choice

  • They primarily gain satisfaction from task accomplishment.

If tasks are being accomplished in an acceptable manner, they will move to their secondary level of motivation, which is forming and maintaining relationships with followers.

  • They focus on improving their relationships with followers after they are assured that assigned tasks are being satisfactorily accomplished.
  • They are primarily satisfied by establishing and maintaining close interpersonal relationships.



In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following best defines follower readiness?

Multiple Choice

  • the extent to which followers engage in two-way communication
  • a follower’s reaction to certain leadership styles
  • a follower’s ability and willingness to accomplish a particular task
  • the extent to which followers spell out responsibilities of an individual or group



In the context of the levels of participation in the normative decision model, which of the following is most likely true of consultative processes?

Multiple Choice

  • A leader shares a problem with his or her followers in a group meeting and obtains their ideas and suggestions.
  • A leader obtains any necessary information from followers and then decides on a solution to a problem himself or herself.
  • A leader solves a problem or makes a decision by himself or herself using the information available at the time.
  • A leader accepts and implements any solution that has the support of the entire group.



The normative decision model is limited only to

Multiple Choice

  • goal expectancy.
  • decision making.
  • goal accomplishment.
  • task behaviors.



Which of the following instruments does Fiedler’s contingency theory use to determine the relevant characteristics of a leader?

Multiple Choice

  • the Five-Factor Personality Inventory
  • the least preferred co-worker scale
  • the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • the California Psychological Inventory



In the context of the four types of leader behavior in the path–goal theory, which leadership behavior is most likely characterized by telling followers what they are expected to do, how to do it, when it is to be done, and how their work fits in with the work of others?

Multiple Choice

  • directive leadership
  • participative leadership
  • achievement-oriented leadership
  • supportive leadership



Which of the following statements is true of the Situational Leadership model?

Multiple Choice

  • It believes that leader effectiveness depends on selecting the right kind of leader for a certain situation.
  • It maintains that leaders who ly base their behaviors on follower maturity will be highly effective.
  • It states that leader effectiveness depends on changing a situation to fit a particular leader’s style.
  • It considers situational favorability, which is the amount of control a leader has over his or her followers, an important variable.



What should leaders first assess in order to apply the Situational Leadership model?

Multiple Choice

  • the level of task and relationship behavior that will likely produce successful outcomes
  • a leader’s behavior that best suits the current situation and task
  • the readiness level of a follower relative to the task to be accomplished
  • the historical behavior patterns of a leader and follower



Which of the following statements about the normative decision model is true?

Multiple Choice

  • The model focuses on the effects of formal authority systems.
  • It is about personal opinions rather than theory.
  • The model shifts focus away from the leader and followers to the situation.
  • Decision tree questions focus on the problem and situational factors.



Situational Leadership is a useful way of getting leaders to think about how leadership effectiveness may depend on being flexible with different subordinates.

True or False



In the role-taking stage of development of the leader–member exchange theory, a role is created based on a process of trust building.

True or False



The path–goal theory assumes that leaders use the same styles with different subordinates.

True or False




The path–goal theory considers three situational factors that moderate the effects of leader behavior on follower behavior.

True or False



The contingency model of leadership maintains that leaders are extremely flexible in their behavior.

True or False



According to Hershey, leaders should implement a series of developmental interventions in order to increase follower readiness levels for particular tasks by first assessing a follower’s current level of readiness and then determining the leader behavior that best suits that follower in that task.

True or False



According to Fiedler’s contingency model, the content of leadership training should emphasize behavioral flexibility in leaders rather than situational engineering

True or False



The normative decision model shifts focus away from the situation and the followers to the leader.

True or False



Position power is not a characteristic of leaders but of the situations that leaders find themselves in.

True or False



Low-LPC leaders will focus on improving their relationships with followers after they are assured that assigned tasks are being satisfactorily accomplished.

True or False



In the routinization stage of development of the leader–member exchange theory, similarities (for the in-group) and differences (often accentuated for the out-group) become cemented.

True or False



According to the path–goal theory, follower satisfaction is directly related to the degree of participative behaviors manifested by a leader.

True or False