PSY 280 Week 1 Week One Quiz

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PSY 280 Week 1 Week One Quiz
PSY 280 Week 1 Week One Quiz
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PSY 280 Week 1 Week One Quiz

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True or False?

Read each statement and indicate with the highlight function whether it is True or False.


TrueFalse1. At the end of the third month, the fetus has all its body parts.
TrueFalse2. When drugs such as marijuana and alcohol are taken together, a higher dosage of each is required before either becomes harmful.
TrueFalse3. If the mother carries the virus that causes AIDS, nothing can be done to prevent the fetus from becoming infected.
TrueFalse4. Cesarean sections account for less than 10 percent of all births in the United States.
TrueFalse5. In both humans and other animals, there is a critical period for the formation of the parent–newborn bond.
TrueFalse6. Piaget believed that how people think and how they understand the world depends on their age.
TrueFalse7. Proponents of behaviorism believe that all behavior arises directly from operant or classical conditioning.



Match the following descriptions to the correct perspective listed on the right:



1.       _____ perspective focuses on the effect of unresolved conflicts from childhood, and how those conflicts unconsciously shape behavior.

2.       ______ perspective focuses on how learning experiences affect behavior, and focuses on behavior that is observable.

3.       _____ perspective focuses on the ongoing, ever-changing interactions between the physical and emotional being and between the person and every aspect of his or her environment.

4.       _____ perspective examines the mental processes used to obtain knowledge, and focuses on how information is processed, stored, retrieved, and manipulated.



A.     Behavioral

B.      Cognitive

C.      Psychoanalytic

D.     Dynamic-Systems Theory


Short Answer Essay


Read the following questions and provide a complete response for at least four of the question listed below.


  1. What are the five steps of the scientific method?



  1. How does the exosystem affect your life today?



  1. In what two ways is human development plastic?



  1. How can behaviorism be seen as a reaction to psychoanalytic theory?



  1. What are the difference among monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins, and other siblings?



  1. List 2 teratogens that can harm the developing baby and describe what types of harm can they cause.



  1. Genetic testing for various diseases is much more common now than it once was. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage.