RES 320 Entire Course

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RES 320 Entire Course
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RES 320 Week 1 Business Research Applications Paper

Resource: Assigned readings, Electronic Reserve Readings, the Internet, and other resources

Write 1,050- to 1,400-word paper. In this paper be sure to address:

Describe how research is used in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar, i.e., workplace, religious setting, volunteer opportunity, sports league) and how it can be used more effectively.

Detail current research and the areas in which you think more research is needed. Why? If yes, what type of research would you propose? If no, please explain.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

RES 320 Week 2 Assignments from the Readings

Resources: Business Research Methods

Write a 150-word response to each of the following questions:

  • Chapter 5: Discussion Questions 2 and 3 (p. 123)
  • Chapter 7: Discussion Questions 1, 2, and 5 (p. 184)


RES 320 Week 3 Experimentation Critique

Resource: University Library

Find a research report that uses experimentation.

Write 1,050- to 1,400-word critique on that experiment.

Define the terms: independent and dependent variables, then describe how they are used in the selected study.

Comment on the sampling used to gather subjects, as well as on the reliability and validity of the study.

Use only journal articles that report actual experimentation—magazine or newspaper articles, opinion pieces, and commentaries are not appropriate. Here are some tips for selecting an appropriate article:

  • If using the ProQuest database, check the box next to “Scholarly journals, including peer-reviewed.”
  • Look for an abstract at the beginning of the article.
  • These are reports of empirical research that were conducted. Think of an experimental report as a “story” of the research in which you lead the readers through the various aspects of the scientific experiment that was conducted.
  • Make sure the article includes a description of the independent and dependent variables and the sampling plan.

Format yourpaper consistent with APA guidelines.


RES 320 Week 4 Scaling Study

Resources: Assigned chapters, Electronic Reserve Readings, the Internet, and other sources

Develop a short questionnaire of 5 to 10 questions and distribute it to at least ten people, i.e., family members, coworkers, friends, volunteers, religious congregants, parents at sporting events.

Use at least two different types of questions in the survey. Describe the two types of questions used and how they differ from each other. Why did you select these types of questions?

Analyze the responses and comment on the validity and reliability of your questionnaire. Define the terms validity and reliability.

Write 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you describe your results from this short study.

Cite at least three academic sources beyond  your textbook or Electronic Reserve readings.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


RES 320 Week 5 Final Examination

Review the readings and lecture notes to prepare for the comprehensive Final Examination

RES/320 Week Five Final Exam


In an experimental study looking at classical music exposure and reading ability in children, the researcher divided the children into two groups (Groups A and B). In Group A, the children listened to Mozart for one hour every day for one month. In Group B, parents were instructed to refrain from playing classical music around the child for one month. At the end of the month, all children were given a reading comprehension test. Those who listened to Mozart daily (Group A) scored significantly higher on the reading test.  What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Please explain your response.


  1. Blinding may be used to

    control subjects’ knowledge of whether or not they were given a             particular treatment.

    B. control the unconscious influence of researchers.

    C. control effects of extraneous variables.

    D. all of the above.

    E. none of the above.


  1. What is a theory?


  1. A hypothesis serves several important functions. What are they?


  1. Through exploration researchers develop concepts more clearly, establish priorities, develop operational definitions, and improve the final research design. Which of the following are included in the exploratory stage:

  • Published studies
  • Focus groups
  • Secondary research
  • Interviews
  • Group discussions
  • Primary research

  1. Data mining involves a five-step process. What are the steps?


  1. What is the definition of ethics? How would you manage the following situation?


  1. What is a pilot test? Give an example of how it would be used?


  1. An attitude:
  2. is open to direct observation and measured by direct means.

    B. is always measured by the rating method.

    C. cannot be measured using physiological measures.

    D. is always a hypothetical construct.

  3. none of the above.
  4. What is a research design? The essential details of a research design include which of the following:

  • Plan based on a research question
  • Information on the researchers who will conduct the study
  • A framework for specifying the relationships among the study’s variables
  • A guide for selecting sources and types of information.
  • Step-by-step instructions for conducting the research study

  1. What are the differences or similarities between an experience survey and a focus group?


  1. What is qualitative research? Give at least two examples.


What is quantitative research? Give at least two examples.

  1. What is the value of self-administered questionnaire? Which of the following are problems with a self-administered questionnaire:


  • The wrong address, e-mail or postal, can result in non-delivery or non-return.
  • It will resemble a contest entry to win a million dollars a year for life.
  • The wrong person may open the questionnaire and fail to call it to the attention of the right person.

A participant may find no convincing explanation or inducement for completing the survey and thus discard it.


  • Tells the researcher what problems there are with his or her survey.


The concept of “demand characteristics”:

A. refers to behavioral traits of respondents who ask a researcher certain questions.

B. is another term for the guinea pig effect.

C. refers to aspects of an experiment that provide unintentional hints about the experimenter’s hypothesis.

D. provides an excellent example of the sample attrition effect.

In direct observation, if the observer is subjective in the recording of what is occurring,

the study is said to have:

A. systematic bias.

B. observer bias.

  1. demand characteristics.

    D. human error.

    E. response latency.


  1. List five advantages of experiments:


  1. Determining the best for the population and providing greater transferability.



  1. In a focus group, the moderator’s job is to prepare a standard set of questions to ask each group member. (True or False)
  2. wever, to interpret the findings of research, we need a measure of how closely the sample represents the population.
  3. What are the differences or similarities between validity and reliability?


  1. What is the Likert scale? Provide an example of a Likert Scale question.



  1. What is an unstructured response question? Give an example. What is a structured response question? Give an example. What factors does the researcher consider in determining which of these types of questions to use.


  1. Coding involves assigning numbers or other symbols to answers so that the responses can be grouped into a limited number of categories. There are two type of coding. What are they? Define each one and describe at least two benefits for using each one:


  1. Which of the following is not a common problem with secondary data?
  2. outdated information

    B. variation in definition of terms

    C. differing units of measurement

    D. takes too long to collect

    E. All of the above are common problems.


  1. One study found that passengers flying on Boeing-747s preferred them to L-1011s, while passengers flying on L-1011s preferred them to Boeing-747s. This is an example of:
  2. random sampling error.

    B. social desirability bias.

    C. administration error – sample selection error.

    D. response bias.



  1. What is a Management Research Report? Which of the following items are included in the report:

  • Executive summary
  • Research hypothesis
  • Research design
  • Research objectives
  • Research theory
  • Interviews conducted
  • Problem statement

  1. If the research question were defined as “will buyers purchase more of a product in a blue colored or silver package?” the most appropriate type of research would be:
  2. exploratory

    B. descriptive

    C. causal

    D. associative

    E. none of the above

  3. The concept brand loyalty may be operationalized as
  4. sequences of brands purchased.

    B. number of different brands purchased.

    C. amount of brand deliberation.

    D. all of the above.

    E. The concept cannot be operationalized.


  1. When framing response alternatives to dichotomous or multiple choice questions, the alternatives must be mutually exclusive. (True or False)


  1. An analysis of the basic cross-tabulation for each level of another variable, perhaps a subgroup, is called elaboration analysis. (True or False)


  1. If you wanted to present a great deal of numerical information, you might decide to use a:

    Pie chart.

    B. Table.

    C. Descriptive statistical array.

    D. Line graph.

    E. Bar chart.

  2. In general, it is preferable in fixed alternative questions that the responses not be:

    mutually exclusive.

    B. collectively exhaustive.

    C. structured in an unvarying order.

    D. numbered.

    E. All of the above are preferred.

  3. There are two major alternative sampling plans: probability techniques and systematic techniques. (True or False)


  1. Which of the following sample types would allow a researcher to assess the degree of random sampling error most accurately?


    B. judgment

    C quota

    D. snowball

    E. stratified


  1. List five disadvantages of experiments:


  1. A distortion of measurement resulting from the cognitive behavior or actions of the witnessing observer is called observer bias. (True or False)
  2. With a technically proper random probability sample, statistical errors can be eliminated. (True or False)


  1. The right to privacy is absolute and cannot be waived by anyone under any circumstances. (True or False)


  1. Which of the following is an advantage of a depth interview?
  2. high degree of structure

    B. valuable insights into motivation

    C. need for a skilled interviewer

    D. inexpensive

    E. quickly and easily completed.



  1. When a decision must be made about a specific real-life problem, we would conduct __ research.


RES 320 Week 5 Research Report

Resource: University of Phoenix Material, Project Overview

Part 1

  • The team is the research and development department for a Fortune 500 company.
  • Select an industry or actual company and chose an appropriate research topic that would likely occur within either.
  • Find and summarize 8 to 10 peer-review articles that are pertinent to the selected research topic.
  • Demonstrate how these secondary sources relate to the research topic.

Part 2

  • Address the role that might be played by qualitative research, quantitative research, secondary data, and survey research. Once decisions are reached about the approach and techniques to be used, the Learning Team should:
  • Work on a sampling plan for the project.

    • Consider the population in which you are interested (what are its demographic and pyschographic traits or characeristics.
    • What type of sampling plan is needed to create a representative sample? Consider the costs of the different sampling plan options.
    • List the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of sampling plans.
    • Select one of these for the project. Why did you chose it?

Part 3

  • The Learning Team should focus on questions that will be part of a survey used to research the topic. Consider the various types of questions you could ask on this survey:

    • What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of questions, given your research methods, population, and sample?
    • Select a type of question most appropriate to your purposes and choose a response scale.
    • Develop five to ten questions that are representative of the survey you are proposing.

Part 4

  • Write the final research proposal on your topic, along with the hypothetical results. The word count is 2,500 – 2,750 words. If surveys have been conducted on this topic by others,use some of their results in your proposal.

The audience for the team’s report is the company’s upper management.

Format consistent with APA guidelines.