SCI 220 Week 3 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam

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SCI 220 Week 3 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam
SCI 220 Week 3 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam
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SCI 220 Week 3 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam

In this graded assignment, you are assessed on the content covered in this weeks’ readings, activities, and assignments. To help you prepare, it is recommended that you first complete this week’s Learning Path and Self-Test Learning Activities prior to completing this exam.

Click on the Assignments link in WileyPLUS to access the Week 3 Exam.

Complete the Week 3 Exam covering this week’s assigned readings listed below:

  • Ch. 7: Vitamins
  • Ch. 8: Water and Minerals

Note. Work submitted in WileyPLUS does not count toward attendance. Be sure to post at least two times each week in the online classrom to avoid being auto-dropped from the course.

Test Bank, Question 44

Your answer is correct.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is particularly problematic because

it causes irreversible brain damage.


it causes microcytic anemia.


it prevents folate from being converted to one of its active forms.


its UL is set too high.



Test Bank, Question 60

Your answer is correct.

Which of the following statements regarding vitamin A is FALSE?

Protein and zinc status are important for healthy vitamin A status.


Beta-carotene is the most potent vitamin A precursor.


Pepsin is necessary to release the vitamin A from protein-based sources.


Worldwide, vitamin A deficiency is rare.

Test Bank, Question 8

Your answer is correct.

The amount of a particular vitamin in a food depends on all of the following EXCEPT

how much of the food is consumed.


how the food is cooked.


how the food is stored.


what is added to the food during processing.



Test Bank, Question 3

Your answer is correct.

All of the following MyPlate food groups are good sources of folate except for the _____ group.










Test Bank, Question 78

Your answer is correct.

Women of childbearing age should consume _____ daily from fortified foods or supplements.

Folic acid


Vitamin D








Test Bank, Question 33

Your answer is correct.

Niacin is synthesized in the body from the amino acid










Test Bank, Question 54

Your answer is correct.

A family member has been taking Vitamin C supplements, but is now wondering if he should continue to spend money on these supplements. What have you learned about Vitamin C that might help them with an evidence-based decision?

Excessive supplementation can cause dementia.


Vitamin C is known to prevent the common cold.


Excessive supplementation can interfere with drugs prescribed to prevent blood clotting.


Excessive supplementation can cause diarrhea and can interfere with drugs prescribed to slow blood clotting.



Test Bank, Question 28

Your answer is correct.

The active ______ coenzyme is needed to convert pyruvate into acetyl-CoA.










Test Bank, Question 41

Your answer is correct.

Based on the content in this visual, identify each of the three labeled parts in A:B:C order.

cysteine: homocysteine: methionine


homocysteine: cysteine: methionine


methionine: homocysteine: cysteine


methionine: cysteine: homocysteine



Test Bank, Question 26

Your answer is correct.

Mary needs to increase her thiamin consumption. Which of the following contains the most thiamin?

¼ c sunflower seeds


3 oz pork chop


3 oz rainbow trout


1 c oatmeal



Test Bank, Question 90

Your answer is correct.

Which of the following statements is true of vitamin E?


Supplements increase fertility even in people with adequate vitamin E status.


It is needed in energy metabolism.


Severe deficiency is a common problem in North America.


It is needed for night vision.


It protects cell membranes from oxidative damage.



Test Bank, Question 55

Your answer is correct.

The symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include gums that swell and bleed. Why does this occur?

The lack of vitamin C allows bacteria in the mouth to irritate the gums.


The lack of vitamin C decreases the pH of the mouth.


There is reduced collagen synthesis.


There is increased plaque formation around the gums.



Test Bank, Question 20

Your answer is correct.

Which of the following is/are antioxidants?

Vitamin C.


Vitamin E.




All of these nutrients serve as antioxidants.

Test Bank, Question 26

Your answer is correct.

Phytic acid, tannins, and oxalates _____the absorption of many minerals.





have no effect on


Test Bank, Question 10

Your answer is correct.

Adam has just returned from his long run of 6 miles in which he forgot his water bottle. Which of the following processes is most likely happening in Adam’s body?

The pituitary gland is signaling the liver to conserve energy.


The antidiuretic hormone is signaling the kidneys to reabsorb water, thus increasing the amount of water lost in the urine.


The antidiuretic hormone is signaling the kidneys to reabsorb water, thus decreasing the amount of water lost in the urine.


His thirst mechanism has become impaired.




Test Bank, Question 54

Your answer is correct.

When blood calcium levels are low, parathyroid hormone will



not change.





Test Bank, Question 61

Your answer is correct.

Which of the following minerals stabilizes ATP’s structure?










Test Bank, Question 60

Your answer is correct.

Which of the following minerals have a role in blood pressure regulation?

calcium and magnesium


calcium and phosphorus


phosphorus and magnesium


potassium and zinc



Test Bank, Question 34

All of the following minerals are needed for the functioning of antioxidant enzymes EXCEPT for










Test Bank, Question 88

Stem: Which of the following statements about iron is true?


Iron and calcium supplements should be taken together.


Heme iron is better absorbed than nonheme iron.


Vitamin C inhibits iron absorption.


Tomatoes are a good source of heme iron.


When iron levels are high, more iron is eliminated from the body in the urine.



Test Bank, Question 65

Your answer is correct.

The protein molecule that is found in red blood cells that transports oxygen to body cells is called










Test Bank, Question 73

Your answer is correct.

Which deficiency disease would be common in the areas with selenium-deficient soils?





Keshan disease





Test Bank, Question 35

Your answer is correct.

What occurs when a cofactor binds to an enzyme?

The enzyme is activated.


The enzyme is no longer able to function.


Minerals can more easily bind to the enzyme.


The enzyme can cross the cell membrane for transport.



Test Bank, Question 72

Your answer is correct.

Because selenium is part of the enzyme glutathione-peroxidase, it _____ the body’s need for vitamin E.



has no effect on

