SOC 110 Week 2 Participation

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SOC 110 Week 2 Participation
SOC 110 Week 2 Participation
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SOC 110 Week 2 Participation

Building A Team Of Talent

Watch and discuss “Building A Team Of Talent” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

  • What strengths do you bring to a team at work?
  • How do you see your strengths fitting in and supporting the needs of a team?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Team Building

Watch “Team Building” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

  • What do you think of the techniques of team building discussed in this video?
  • When would you use this technique while working on a team project at school or at work?

Discuss and respond to your peers.


Resource: Ch. 3 & 4 of Working in Groups and the Week Two videos “Building A Team Of Talent” and “Team Building”

Imagine you wake up on the beach of a small, rocky island along with your friends, uninjured. Your plane, partially submerged offshore, is mechanically and electrically incapacitated. The pilot and co-pilot are nowhere to be found. The island is about a mile from a larger landmass visible across the water. In contrast to your present surroundings, you see that the larger landmass contains vegetation.

Identify and discuss communication strategies to facilitate formulating a plan to deal with your situation. Include how you and your friends might function as a team to ensure that you all survive.

Discuss your responses with the class